Ambassador of Kuwait, Mr. Nasser Riden Thamer Almotairi and members of the embassy of Kuwait.
On Wednesday, February 19th, the embassy of Kuwait in Brazil celebrated its country national day with a diplomatic social event that took place in the Dúnia City Hall event’s place, in the neighborhood of Lago Sul.
The ambassador of Kuwait in Brazil, Mr. Nasser Riden Thamer Almotairi, and other representatives of the embassy were greeted by dozens of guests that attended the celebration dinner.
The social halls had beautiful decor for the event. Ambassadors, diplomats, Military attaches, Brazilian Government authorities, entrepreneurs and representatives of Brazilian and foreign companies were among the guests. The atmosphere was of great joy and friendship.

From right: Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Mr. Ali Bahitham, ambassador of the embassy of the Republic of Tunisia, Mr. Mohamed Hedi Soltani, ambassador of the embassy of the Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Mr. Yalew Abate Reta, ambassador of the embassy of Mauritania, Mr. Abdoulaye Idrissa Wagne and ambassador of the embassy of the State of Libya, Dr. Osama Sawan.

Chief of staff of the embassy of Canada, Mr. Vincent Gascon (Right), Deputy Chief of Mission of the embassy of Vietnam, Mr. Le Viet Hoang and his wife, Mrs. Hoang.

First-Councellor of the embassy of Palestine, Mr. Salah Mustapha Mohamed Elqatta, Ms. Juliana Borges and Administrative member of the embassy of Palestine, Mrs. Sohair Amin El-Shorafa

Ambassadress of Sri Lanka, Mrs. Razeeya Jaffeer (Left) and Ms.Hoang, wife of Deputy Chief of Mission of the embassy of Vietnam
Both Brazil’s and Kuwait’s national anthems were performed by the Orquestra Sinfônica da Polícia Militar (Military Police Symphony Orquestra) in beautiful renditions of both anthems.
After the performance, the ambassador of Kuwait, Mr. Nasser Riden Thamer Almotairi gave a speech which reminded the audience of Kuwait’s history in the last century, pointing out the most notable events, those being coronation of Sheikh Abdullah Al-Salim Al-Sabah and the liberation of Kuwait from the Iraqi forces in the 1990’s, an event which marked the end of the Gulf War, the ambassador also invited the president of Brazil to visit Kuwait when possible to further consolidate the strong bonds between both countries.
Ambassador Almotairi also highlighted some economic issues about his country: Kuwait is the country with the most valued currency in the world and one of the largest oil producers, modern and traditional. The country is located on the Arabian peninsula, bordering on Saudi Arabia (west and south), Iraq (north ) and the Persian Gulf (to the east). Kuwait, the world’s fifth largest oil producer, has approximately 10% of the world’s oil reserves, the country’s largest source of wealth. The exploitation of this product stimulated migratory flows to the country, and for that reason the Kuwaiti population is smaller than that of foreigners. The country is also one of the world’s largest producers of natural gas. In order to make the national economy more flexible, the government has been implementing measures to attract international investments, offering economic advantages to transnational companies, in addition to various cooperation projects with foreign countries
As Ambassador Nasser Al-Motairi emphasized on previous occasions, Brazil is a country with enormous potential and in Kuwait there is a solid wish in promoting economic and trade cooperation, in addition to expanding direct investments in Brazil, so that both countries can mutually benefit , raising the level of bilateral relations. Kuwait is a country that has been committed to creating bridges of cooperation with all the peoples of the world.
Bilateral relations have strengthened a lot over the last year: the Commemorative Stamp referring to the 51st Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Kuwait and Brazil was recently launched, which was attended by General Floriano Peixoto, President of Correios (Brazilian Post Office company), in addition to the holding of the Kuwait Cultural Week in São Paulo in December 2019. It is also worth mentioning the various visits and high-level meetings between the countries, such as the visit of the Minister of Agriculture, Ms. Tereza Cristina, and Federal Deputy Eduardo Bolsonaro to Kuwait last year. There is also a great desire to receive President Jair Bolsonaro in Kuwait in 2020, in addition to the visit of a Kuwaiti parliamentary delegation to Brazil, within the scope of the Kuwait-Brazil Parliamentary Friendship Group, and in April the second Mixed Brazil-Kuwait Commission Consultation meeting will take place in Brasilia.
After the ambassador’s speech, the representative of Brazil federal government in the event, Mr. Sidney Leon Romeiro, Middle East Department Director of the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, also gave a speech poiting out the important relations between Brazil and Kuwait. Both speeches were much applauded.
After the speeches, the guests were invited to a dinner in the dining hall. The place was decorated with beautiful flowers and a big screen showcasing images of Kuwait’s landmarks. There was also tradition music from Kuwait being played to the guests. The special dinner was a banquet of traditional Middle Eastern dishes and also dishes from Brazil.
At the end of the event, gift bags were handed to the guests as souvenirs of such a special celebration!
THE GUIDE congratulates the embassy of Kuwait for its National Day!
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