The Palestinian Embassy in Brasilia held on September 30th a gathering of the majority of Ambassadors from the Arabic countries and a group of over 30 journalists from the “Associação Brasileira de Jornalistas e Comunicadores da Área Internacional e Diplomática – ABRAJINTER (Brazilian Association of Journalists and Communicators of the International and Diplomatic Area). Brazilian main TV networks, press and media outlets sent professionals to the important event.

Ambassador of Palestine, Mr. Ibrahim Alzeben and President of ABRAJINTER, Ms. Fabiana Ceyhan. (Picture by Ms. Eliane Loin)
After the guest’s arrival, the president of ABRAJINTER, Ms. Fabiana Ceyhan, opened the event delivering a welcoming speech and thanking the ambassador of Palestine, Mr. Ibrahim Alzeben, for holding such an important meeting. Ms. Ceyhan highlighted the importance of the relations of the journalists and media outlets with the Arab Ambassadors to understand the political and economic scenario in that part of the World.
The Ambassador of Palestine and Dean of the Council of Arab Ambassadors in Brazil, Mr. Ibrahim Alzeben, also had the pleasure to deliver a welcoming speech and said that the Embassy of Palestine and the other Ambassadors from the Arabic countries are proud of the good relations between them and the Brazilian journalists. He emphasized the importance of such good relations and the need of the understanding of the challenges and the problems in that region. According to the Ambassador, Brazil should be part of the solutions of those problems, among others, mediating peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. His words had the support of the ambassadors of Libya, Egypt, Lebanon, Mauritania, Iraq, Morocco, League of Arab States, and the Chargé d’affaires of Tunisia and Algeria, all of them present at the event.

Ambassador of Palestine, Mr. Ibrahim Alzeben, delivered a welcoming speech. (Picture by Ms. Eliane Loin)
After Ambassador Ibrahim Alzeben’s speech, other Ambassadors also talked to the media professionals and answered follow-up questions. Expressing his delight at growing Egypt – Brazil relations, the Egyptian Ambassador, Mr. Wael Aboulmagd, warmly greeted his fellow ambassadors and gave special praises to the ABRAJINTER association in Brasilia, with hopes that the bilateral relations of his country and Brazil will only continue to improve after the recent visit of Brazilian Vice President to Cairo. On the end of his speech, he pointed out that cultural approximation between the Arabic world and Brazil is highly desired, if not necessary.
Other Ambassadors used the chance to speak to all of the gathered journalists, expressing their gratitude for their work, and took the opportunity to voice their concerns about the various problems that the Arabic people are facing in their countries, especially the Palestinians. All of them highlighted the need of more commercial, cultural and political appropriation between Brazil and the Arabic world, which has a population of more than 400 million people.
(Pictures by Ms. Eliane Loin)
After the speeches, the ambassador of Palestine, Mr. Ibrahim Alzeben, invited everyone to taste examples of the excellent Arabic cuisine. As guests enjoyed themselves, the joyful atmosphere spoke by itself of the success of that well organized event.
The guests greeted Ambassador Ibrahim Alzeben and the other Arabic ambassadors for the gathering, which gave more light to the importance of the Arabic World and its relations with Brazil.

Ambassador of Palestine, Mr. Ibrahim Alzeben and CEO of THE GUIDE Business Consultancy, Mr Pedro Paulo Moreira.

Ambassador of Palestine, Mr. Ibrahim Alzeben and President of ABRAJINTER, Ms. Fabiana Ceyhan were congratulated for the beautiful event! (Picture by Ms. Eliane Loin)
THE GUIDE congratulates the Ambassador of Palestine, Mr. Ibrahim Alzeben, and Ms. Fabiana Ceyhan, President of the “Associação Brasileira de Jornalistas e Comunicadores da Área Internacional e Diplomática – ABRAJINTER (Brazilian Association of Journalists and Communicators of the International and Diplomatic Area), for the successful event!
THE GUIDE informs that for free coverage of diplomatic events, the invitations should be sent to:
Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira
President Director
THE GUIDE Business Consultancy
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