Ambassador of Spain, Mr.Fernando Garcia Casas and ambassadress Angeles Cano.
Hundreds of people attended the big party celebrating the National Day of Spain, which took place at the country’s embassy on October 10. In an atmosphere of great joy, the Spanish ambassador, Mr. Fernando Garcia Casas and other embassy members received the greetings from the guests.
The embassy’s social halls were beautifully decorated and the guests found a variety of environments to fraternize in comfort. Among the public present there were foreign ambassadors, diplomats, Brazilian government authorities, politicians, businessmen, intellectuals and members of Brazilian society and the Spanish community in Brazil.
Typical music and appetizers of Spanish cuisine, accompanied by selected wines and other special drinks, were appreciated by all. In the environments there were also big screens showing videos about Spain and its many attractions.
The anthems of Brazil, Spain and the European Union were played and then Ambassador Fernando Garcia Casas delivered a speech highlighting the presence of Spain in various sectors of the world scene and also the strong relations the country has with Brazil, country of operation of many Spanish companies. His speech was widely applauded by everyone and then the guests were invited to watch a video about Spain and its national day.
A toast to the friendship of Spain and Brazil.
Then, a dinner in which the main dishes were the memorable paellas was served and much appreciated by all.
The guests congratulated Ambassador Fernando Garcia Casas, the ambassadress Angeles Cano and the other members of the Spanish Embassy for the succesfull celebration. At the end, everyone received a beautiful book on the history and works of Oscar Niemeyer, a famous Brazilian architect and responsible for the main architectural projects of the capital of Brazil.

Ambassador of Spain, Mr. Fernando Garcia Casas , and President of THE GUIDE Business Consultancy, Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira.
THE GUIDE congratulates the Embassy of Spain for its National Day!
THE GUIDE informs that for free coverage of diplomatic events, the invitations should be sent to:
Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira
President Director
THE GUIDE Business Consultancy
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DU PARÁ Restaurant has two addresses in Brasília and offers typical dishes from the state of Pará, such as Tacacá, Arroz Paraense, Jambu, Tucupi, Açaí 100% Paraense, Barra Cupuaçu and Barra Bacuri . The restaurant values a very strong cultural issue with the spices of the Northern region to become unforgettable in customers’ minds. Click here to know it!