The diplomatic corps of The Dominican Republic in Brasília, Brazil.
On Tuesday, March 3rd, the embassy of the Dominican Republic in Brazil celebrated its country’s national day with a diplomatic social event which took place in the Dominican embassy.

Counselors of the embassy of the Dominican Republic, Mr. José Antonio Isa and Ms. Maribel Peralta Cuevas
The ambassador of the Dominican Republic in Brazil, Mr. Alejandro Arias Zarzuela, and other members of the embassy were greeted by dozens of guests that attended the event.
Among its guests, there were ambassadors, diplomats, Military attaches, representatives of the Brazilian government, entrepreneurs and representatives of Brazilian and foreign companies, members of the press and members of Brasilia’s society.

Ambassador of the embassy of Malasya, Mr. Lim Juay Jin (Left) and ambassador of the embassy of Nigeria, Mr. Christopher John Nonyelum Okeke.

First secretary of the embassy of Honduras, Mrs. Vania Melisa Riera and her husband, Mr. Salvador Andrés Folgar Irula

Minister-Counselor of the embassy of Haiti, Mr. Mario Chouloute and Chief of division of Canada and the Caribbean in Itamaraty, Ms. Cristiane Lemos Fallet

Minister of the embassy of Sri Lanka, Mr. K.K. Thesantha Kumarasiri and Plenipotentiary Minister of the embassy of Sudan, Mr. Muhanned Omer Abbas Ajabna.

Ambassador of the embassy of Cyprus, Mr. Haralambos Kafkarides and ambassador of the embassy of Tunisia, Mr. Mohamed Hedi Soltani.
After the guest’s arrival, there was an orchestral rendition of both Brazil’s and the Dominican Republic’s anthems, performed by the Brazilian Navy Symphony Orchestra.
Ambassador Alejandro Arias Zarzuela gave a heartfelt speech about the Dominican Republic’s relations with Brazil and his country’s history. After the speech, he proposed a toast.
Following the toast, the orchestra played traditional Dominican rhythms, such as merengue. Accompanying the music there was a beautiful dance performance which enthralled the guests.
The guests enjoyed the atmosphere of great joy and friendship and greeted the ambassador of the Dominican Republic, Mr. Alejandro Arias Zarzuela, for the success of the beautiful event
THE GUIDE congratulates the embassy of the Dominican Republic for its national day!
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