Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mr. Bolat Nussupov and his wife, ambassadress Gulnaziya Nussupova
The Embassy of Kazakhstan held on August 26 a press briefing and a cocktail party to celebrate the Constitution Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the closure of the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site.
Journalist and members of media outlets arrived at the embassy during the morning and were received by Kazakh diplomats. The press briefing started with the welcome words by the ambassador of Kazakhstan, Mr. Bolat Nussupov. He introduced himself to the guests and made a brief speech on the occasion of his country’s Constitution Day.

Mr. Ulan Mendebayev, Third Secretary of the embassy of Kazakhstan, received the journalists and professionals of media outlets.
A video about the history of Kazakhstan was presented, with great emphasis on its independence and its efforts towards the end of nuclear tests within its territory and in the world.
At the end of the video, Ambassador Nussupov opened a space for questions regarding the topic. Press members were alarmed by the number of nuclear tests and complimented the ambassador and his country for the important effort to avoid nuclear tests in the world.
After answering some questions, the ambassador went to receive guests arriving to the Constitution Day Celebration. The Counsellor of the embassy, Mr. Vitaly Shatskov, continued the explanations to the journalists.
Members of the press and media outlets were then invited to join other guests arriving to the celebration of Kazakhstan’s Constitution Day. Among the guests there were members of the Brazilian congress, diplomats, businessmen and members of Brasilia’s society.

Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan (right), Mr. Bolat Nussupov, ambassadress Gulnaziya Nussupova.and President of THE GUIDE Business Consultancy, Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira.

Mr. Ulan Mendebayev, Third Secretary of the embassy of Kazakhstan and Miss Ana Laura de Abreu, representative of THE GUIDE.
The Constitution Day celebration occurred at the social hall and open air area of the embassy, now in a huge location with a beautiful view of the Paranoá Lake.
After the arrival of the guests, ambassador Bolat Nussupov delivered a welcoming speech and highlighted the expectation of great growth of his country’s relations with Brazil. He was much applauded. His speech was followed by the speeches of representatives of the Brazilian Foreign Ministry and the National Congress.
After the speeches, the guests were invited to enjoy the cuisine of Kazakhstan.They fraternized with joy and the sympathy of diplomats from that beautiful country.
THE GUIDE congratulates the Embassy of Kazakhstan for its Constitution Day!
THE GUIDE informs that for free coverage of diplomatic events, the invitations should be sent to:
Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira
President Director
THE GUIDE Business Consultancy
SGAN, Quadra 601, Lote H, sala 66, Ed. Ion, Asa Norte, Brasília DF, CEP 70830-018
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