For the celebration of the National Date of its country, the Embassy of Austria promoted a Jazz concert at the Casa Thomas Jefferson in Asa Sul on Friday, October 26 2018. The Austrian ambassador, Mrs. Irene Giner-Reichl, welcomed the guests in the auditorium and gave a short speech where she stressed the importance of such date. She also thanked the “Coral Totus Tuus” and the musicians of the “Duo Espontaneamente” (Spontaneously Duo) for their participation in the event.
Dozens of people were in the auditorium to attend the presentations, among them there were ambassadors, diplomats, businessmen and representatives of the society of Brasilia.

From left: Ambassador of the Netherlands, Mr. Cornelis van Rij, ambassadress of Netherlands, ambassadress of Korea and Ambassador of Korea, Mr. Kim Chan-woo

Ambassador of Austria, Mrs. Irene Giner-Reichl (middle) seen here with representatives of THE GUIDE Business Consultancy, Ms. Ayla Azevedo (left) and Ms. Samara Alves
The national anthems of Brazil and Austria and the anthem of the European Union were performed by maestro Airan D’Sousa on the piano, together with the Coral “Totus Tuus” (Chorus), formed by children and adolescents. After the anthems the coral performed the song “Ave Verum Corpus” by Mozart, a beautiful presentation in honor of such an important date.
The “Duo Espontaneamente”, formed by Markus Fellner on the clarinet and Bernhard Kaimbacher on the piano, performed the concert “Jazz and New Austrian Sound of Music”. Among the songs, “Gern Hob” by Hedi Preissegger, “I Got Rhithm” by George Gershwin and “Musical Priest”, a traditional Irish music.
In addition, the musicians played songs of their own production, such as “Mind in Vienna” and “Up & Down”, which demonstrated their high level of musical knowledge and ability, deserving the applauses of a standing up audience.
After the concert the guests went to the social hall to fraternize. It was served a variety of cakes, Austrian wines and juices. Ambassador Giner-Reichl received the congratulations from the guests for the National Day of Austria and for the presentation of such a beautiful event.
THE GUIDE congratulates the Embassy of Austria for its National Day!
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