On Friday, July 17th, the governor of the Distrito Federal, Mr. Ibaneis Rocha, published another decree on an extra edition of the Diário Oficial do Distrito Federal (Distrito Federal Official Gazette). In it, it is stated that sixteen more ecological parks shall once again open their doors in the DF, now adding up to 35 parks which are now open for public in the Brazilian Capital. The decree came into force on Saturday, July 18th.
Everyone must follow the same rules of operation, such as mandatory use of facial masks for users. In case of non-compliance, the fine is BRL 2000.00.
In addition, the use of fields for collective activities, such as football fields and volleyball and basketball courts, is prohibited, as well as weight training equipment and other areas of collective activities, in addition to restrooms and drinking fountains.
The Department of Sports of the Distrito Federal, the Institute of the Environment and Water Resources of the Distrito Federal (Brasília Ambiental) and the administrations of the parks are responsible for the supervision and inspection of the operation of the parks.
Here’s a list of all the parks which are open in Brasília:
- Parque da Cidade Dona Sarah Kubitschek. (In Asa Sul)
- Parque Ecológico do Paranoá. (In Paranoá)
- Parque Recreativo do Gama. (In Gama)
- Parque Ecológico do Gama. (In Gama)
- Parque Ecológico Sucupira. (In Planaltina)
- Parque Ecológico do Lago Norte. (In Lago Norte)
- Parque Ecológico da Asa Sul. (In Asa Sul)
- Parque Ecológico Olhos D`água. (In Asa Norte)
- Parque Ecológico Ezequias Heringer. (In Guará)
- Monumento Natural Dom Bosco. (In Lago Sul)
- Parque Ecológico de Águas Claras. (In Águas Claras)
- Parque Ecológico do Riacho Fundo. (In Riacho Fundo)
- Parque Ecológico do Areal. (In Arniqueiras/Near Park Way)
- Parque Ecológico Veredinha. (In Brazlândia)
- Parque Ecológico do Cortado. (In Taguatinga)
- Parque Ecológico 3 Meninas. (In Samambaia)
- Parque Ecológico do Tororó. (In Santa Maria)
- Parque Ecológico das Copaíbas. (In Lago Sul)
- Parque Nacional de Brasília / Água Mineral. (In the Industrial Zone/SMAN – Setor de Múltiplas Atividades Norte)
- Parque Ecológico do Anfiteatro Natural do Lago Sul. (In Lago Sul)
- Parque Ecológico Península Sul. (In Lago Sul)
- Parque do Bosque no Sudoeste. (In Sudoeste)
- Parque das Garças. (In Lago Norte)
- Parque Ecológico e Vivencial Bosque dos Eucaliptos. (In Guará)
- Parque de Uso Múltiplo Denner. (In Guará)
- Jardim Botânico de Brasília. (In Lago Sul)
- ARIE do Bosque. (In Lago Sul)
- Refúgio de Vida Silvestre Morro do Careca. (In Lago Norte)
- Parque Ecológico da Vila Varjão. (In Taguatinga)
- Parque Ecológico dos Jequitibás. (In Sobradinho)
- Parque Distrital dos Pequizeiros. (In Planaltina)
- Parque Distrital Salto do Tororó. (In Jardim Botânico/Lago Sul)
- Parque Ecológico de Santa Maria. (In Santa Maria)
- Parque Distrital de São Sebastião. (In São Sebastião)
- Parque Ecológico das Sucupiras. (In Sudoeste/Octogonal)
THE GUIDE informs:
THE GUIDE Director, Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira, signed a commercial agreement with the company Rezgatte Confecção for the sale and delivery of safety masks to the members of the community of embassies and international organizations in Brasilia.
Read more about it by clicking Here