In its first edition, the InterAnima – International Festival of Animation and Interactivity presents in Brasilia a total 56 productions from Brazil and 25 other countries – short and feature films included. Virtual reality films, immersive experiences and lectures with animation professionals, technology and games are also in the program.
The event will be presented at Caixa Cultural from March 2 to March 4. InterAnima wants to stimulate and disseminate in Brasília the audiovisual production, especially the animation, to propose meetings and exchanges of experiences among professionals of the area.
The program includes films that deal with themes such as existentialism, social, family, political, love, and abstract and poetic relations.
The full program and the rating for each movie can be seen HERE.
Venue: Caixa Cultural
Where: Setor Bancário Sul, Quadra 4, Lotes 3/4 – Asa Sul
When: March 2 to March 4
Price: Free Admission