Ambassador of South Korea, Mr. Lim Ki-mo and ambassadress Chun Jin-ah.
The Ambassador of South Korea to Brazil, Mr. Lim Ki-mo, received professionals from the “Associação Brasileira dos Jornalistas e Comunicadores da Área Internacional e Diplomática -ABRAJINTER” (Brazilian Association of Journalists and Communicators in the International and Diplomatic Area)” for a fraternization dinner, on the night of April 25th of 2022.
Photo by Eliane Loin/Abrajinter
The event took place at the official residence, located in the North Embassy Sector of Brasília. The guests were welcomed by Ambassador Lim Ki-mo, his wife Ambassadress Chun Jin-ah and other Korean diplomats.

Ambassador of South Korea, Lim Ki-mo and Ambassadress Chun Jin-ah were greeted by everyone and received praise for the beautiful decor.
The residence was beautifully decorated, with beautiful tables set out in the outdoor areas, in front of the pool. A musical group played lively Brazilian songs, further increasing the atmosphere of joy and fraternization.
Photo by Eliane Loin/Abrajinter
Photo by Eliane Loin/Abrajinter

Ambassador of South Korea, Mr. Lim Ki-mo, ambassadress Chun Jin-ah, President of THE GUIDE Business Consultancy, Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira and Ms. Taisa Paula Carvalho.
After the arrival of the guests, Ambassador Lim Ki-mo gave a speech with words of welcome and introduced himself, stating that he has been in Brazil for ten months and has great admiration for the country. He highlighted the 60 years of diplomatic relations and the strong friendship that his country has with Brazil. He was greatly applauded and then invited the president of ABRAJINTER, journalist Fabiana Ceyhan, to also speak a few words. Mrs. Ceyhan thanked on behalf of ABRAJINTER for organizing the beautiful event and praised the sympathy and example of progress and success of the Korean people. She was also greatly applauded by everyone. Also at the event was the representative of the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and future Ambassador of Brazil in Korea, Mrs. Márcia Donner, who also gave a speech which was applauded by all.

President of ABRAJINTER, Ms. Fabiana Ceyhan, highlighted the good relations of the South Corea Embassy and the press.
After the speeches, the Counsellor of the Embassy of Korea, Mr. Choi Won-seok, promoted a beautiful presentation about Korea, with images displayed on a screen installed for the event. The history, challenges and efforts of the Korean people and government were presented, all of which made South Korea one of the great examples of economic success, technological innovation and creativity in the arts and culture.
After the presentation, Ambassador Lim Ki-mo invited everyone to enjoy a special dinner with traditional and modern Korean cuisine, prepared by Chef Jin Chan-ho, who arrived in Brazil less than a year ago.
Photo by Eliane Loin/Abrajinter
The ABRAJINTER board honored the ambassador with the delivery of an “Ambassador of the Year” certificate, recognizing his success at the forefront of South Korean diplomacy in Brazil.
Photo by Eliane Loin/Abrajinter
Photo by Eliane Loin/Abrajinter
Photo by Eliane Loin/Abrajinter
The big surprise of the night was the beautiful musical performance by the Korean ambassador, Mr. Lim Ki-mo, who proved to be an excellent singer, toasting everyone with great hits in Brazilian music. Journalists and media outlet professionals were impressed by the musical talent of the ambassador, who cheered up everyone with his beautiful artistic performance and excellent Portuguese. Everyone joined in with the ambassador and the night was made unforgettable by the joy and sympathy of the representatives of South Korea in Brazil.
Photo by Eliane Loin/Abrajinter
Photo by Eliane Loin/Abrajinter

The recordings of the musical performance by Ambassador Lim Ki-mo went viral all around Brazil in the next day.
At the end of the event, ABRAJINTER members received gifts from the embassy and an informative text about South Korea.
That special night will be remembered as a great moment of joy and fraternization!

President of ABRAJINTER, Ms. Fabiana Ceyhan, and President of THE GUIDE Business Consultancy, Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira.
THE GUIDE congratulates the Embassy of South Korea for the beauty and success of the fraternization dinner, as well as congratulates the South Korean ambassador to Brazil, Mr. Lim Ki-mo, for the fine example of talent and friendliness, worthy of recognition by the Brazilian people.
To watch the ambassador’s beautiful musical performance, check the links below:
The Embassy of South Korea also released the following information:
Beginning of a New Government in Korea
Through the election for president in Korea, held on March 9th, candidate Yoon Suk-Yeol was elected as the new president of Korea. The President-elect will be sworn in as the 20th President of the Republic of Korea on May 10th. The new President-elect Yoon Suk-Yeol will have a 5-year term to preside over a country of 52 million people and with the tenth largest economy in the world.
During the election campaign, President-elect Yoon Suk-Yeol promised to build “a new country through justice and common sense”. Especially, he promised to give priority to the post-Covid-19 economic recovery to small entrepreneurs and self-employed entrepreneurs. In addition, he said that he will accelerate the promotion of economic growth, strengthen the weakened social security and, on the other hand, normalize the real estate market. Additionally, he spoke of promoting Science & Technology and Culture and undertaking efforts to achieve carbon neutrality and digital transformation.
Regarding campaign promises in the area of Foreign Affairs and National Security, the President-elect spoke of achieving normalization of relations with North Korea, including the full denuclearization of the North Korean country, strengthening the comprehensive partnership with the United States, as well as as it proposed to expand cooperation with neighboring countries. He promised to build a network of global cooperation with Latin America and with each world region.
Korea-Brazil cooperation
Korea and Brazil established diplomatic relations in 1959, and Brazil was the first country in Latin America to establish diplomatic ties with Korea. Today, Brazil is the largest recipient of Korean investments in Latin America, as well as an important cooperation partner as it is the country where the largest Korean community in the region has decided to put down its roots. In 2004, the two countries established the Comprehensive Cooperation Agreement for the Common Prosperity of the 21st Century and, since then, both have been expanding bilateral cooperation on the most varied fronts to achieve mutual benefit.
Also, especially in the economic sector, the two countries are increasingly strengthening their cooperation relations. In 2021, Korea exported around USD 5.1 billion to Brazil and, on the other hand, Brazil exported around USD 5.7 billion, placing Korea in the 8th position of commercial partner of Brazil. In accumulated investments alone, the amounts add up to 10 billion dollars, which include investments in companies such as Samsung, LG and other 120 Korean companies established in Brazil. In addition, the aspect of complementarity between Korea, a strong country in the digital area, and Brazil, a leading country in natural resources, means that it still has enormous potential for cooperation to be explored.
Not only that, the exchange between the people of the two nations is also being revitalized. The Korean Government has annually selected Brazilian students to have the opportunity to study at Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Korea by offering scholarship programs, as well as has made efforts to introduce Korean language and culture to Brazilians. Especially in 2023, the Korean community in Brazil will celebrate 60 years of immigration, an opportunity for which the Embassy of the Republic of Korea and the General Consulate in São Paulo are preparing various commemorative events.
Início de um Novo Governo na Coreia
Através da eleição para presidente na Coreia, ocorrida em 09 de março último, o candidato Yoon Suk-Yeol foi eleito como novo presidente da Coreia. O Presidente eleito tomará posse como o 20° Presidente da República da Coreia no dia 10 de maio. O novo Presidente eleito Yoon Suk-Yeol terá um mandato de 5 anos para presidir um país de 52 milhões de pessoas e com a décima maior economia do mundo.
Durante a campanha eleitoral, o Presidente eleito Yoon Suk-Yeol prometeu construir “um novo país através da justiça e bom senso”. Especialmente, prometeu dar prioridade para a recuperação econômica pós Covid-19 aos pequenos empresários e empreendedores autônomos. Além disso, disse que irá acelerar a promoção do crescimento econômico, fortalecer a fragilizada seguridade social e, por outro lado, normalizar o mercado imobiliário. Adicionalmente, falou em promover a Ciência & Tecnologia e a Cultura e empreender esforços para concretizar a neutralização do carbono e a transformação digital.
Relativamente às promessas de campanha sobre a área de Relações Exteriores e Segurança Nacional, o Presidente eleito falou em alcançar a normalização das relações com a Coreia do Norte, incluindo a desnuclearização plena do país norte coreano, fortalecer a parceria abrangente com os Estados Unidos, bem como propôs expandir a cooperação com os países vizinhos. Prometeu construir uma rede de cooperação global com a América Latina e com cada região mundial.
Cooperação Coreia-Brasil
Coreia e Brasil estabeleceram relações diplomáticas 1959, tendo sido, o Brasil, o primeiro país da América Latina a estabelecer laços diplomáticos com a Coreia. Hoje, o Brasil é o maior receptor de investimentos coreanos na América Latina, como também é um importante parceiro de cooperação por ser o país onde a maior comunidade coreana da região decidiu fincar suas raízes. Os dois países estabeleceram, em 2004, o Acordo de Cooperação Abrangente para a Prosperidade Comum do Século 21 e, desde então, ambos vem expandindo a cooperação bilateral nas mais variadas frentes para o alcance do mútuo benefício.
Ainda, especialmente no setor econômico, os dois países vem estreitando cada vez mais as suas relações de cooperação. Em 2021, a Coreia exportou em torno de 5,1 bilhões de dólares ao Brasil e, na via contrária, o Brasil exportou em torno de 5,7 bilhões de dólares, colocando a Coreia no posto de 8a. parceira comercial do Brasil. Somente em investimentos acumulados, os valores somam 10 bilhões de dólares, que incluem investimentos em empresas como Samsung, LG e outras 120 empresas coreanas estabelecidas no Brasil. Além disso, o aspecto da complementaridade entre a Coreia, país forte na área digital, e o Brasil, país líder em recursos naturais, faz com que ainda tenha um potencial enorme de cooperação a ser explorado.
Não bastando, o intercâmbio entre os povos das duas nações também está sendo revitalizado. O Governo coreano tem, anualmente, selecionado estudantes brasileiros para que tenham a oportunidade de estudar em cursos de bacharel e mestrado na Coreia por meio de oferecimento de programas de bolsas de estudo, bem como tem despendido esforços para apresentar o idioma e a Cultura coreanas aos brasileiros. Especialmente em 2023, a comunidade coreana no Brasil comemorará 60 anos de imigração, oportunidade para a qual a Embaixada e o Consulado Geral em São Paulo da República da Coreia estão preparando variados eventos comemorativos.
THE GUIDE informs that for free coverage of diplomatic events, the invitations should be sent to:
Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira
President Director
THE GUIDE Business Consultancy
SGAN, Quadra 601, Lote H, sala 66, Ed. Ion, Asa Norte, Brasília DF, CEP 70830-018
If your prefer, send the invitations to the e-mails: or
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