The governor of Distrito Federal, Mr. Ibaneis Rocha has signed a decree on Monday (May 3rd) extending the opening hours of street commerce and malls in the DF.

The change took effect as of Monday (May 3rd) and will allow the merchants of the local commerce (such as the CLN and CLS streets) to keep the establishments open until 11p.m. Shopping centers, on the other hand, may open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Bars and restaurants are allowed to open from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.

The governor has also reduced the curfew period: from now on it will be in effect from midnight to 5 a.m.

According to the decree, the sale of alcoholic beverages after 11 p.m. is prohibited in all commercial establishments including drive-thru or delivery services – these services may operate until 0 a.m. if the order has been made until 11 p.m.

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O governador do Distrito Federal, Ibaneis Rocha assinou uma portaria nesta segunda-feira (3 de maio) estendendo o horário de funcionamento do comércio ambulante e dos shoppings do DF.

A mudança entrou em vigor a partir de segunda-feira (3 de maio) e permitirá que os lojistas do comércio local (como as ruas CLN e CLS) mantenham os estabelecimentos abertos até as 23h. Os centros comerciais, por outro lado, podem funcionar das 10h às 22h. Bares e restaurantes podem funcionar das 11h às 23h.

O governador também reduziu o toque de recolher: a partir de agora ele vai valer da meia-noite às 5h.

De acordo com o decreto, a venda de bebidas alcoólicas a partir das 23h é proibida em todos os estabelecimentos comerciais, inclusive drive-thru ou delivery – esses serviços podem operar até a 0h se o pedido tiver sido contabilizado até as 23h.