To celebrate 15 years of existence “Margaridas Cia de Dança” will perform on two shows in Teatro Sesc Garagem, on the 30th and 31st of March.
History, dance, literature and music. Since 2004, the group from Brasília “Margaridas Cia de Dança” has been mixing important cultural movements on the stages of Brasília and Brazil.
The company will perform two spectacles “Vidro e Alumínio” (Glass and Aluminum) on March 30, Saturday at 8:00 pm. On Saturday there will be a display of vídeos about the dances produced by the group, at 6:00 pm, with free admission for the display of the vídeos.
The other show “O Ritmo de Forma Silenciosa” (Rhythm in a Silent way) will happen on Sunday, March 31, also at 8:00 pm.
After the shows the group is promoting a little conversation with the public interested to understand more about the group and the process of creativity.
The poetics of the group involves elements of classical and contemporary dance.
Venue: Teatro Sesc Garagem
Where: Setor de Edifícios Públicos Sul – SEPS, Quadras 713/913 Sul, Asa Sul
When: Saturday and Sunday, March 30 and 31. The shows start at 8:00 pm. The video display will happen on Saturday, at 6:00 pm.
Price: BRL 20.00 and BRL 10.00 (half price for students and senior citizens)
Where to buy:
On-line Purchase at
Or by the Telephone (61) 98348-4414
Rating: 12
Information: (61) 3445-4401