Ambassador of Serbia, Mr. Veljko Lazic and ambassadress Olga Lazic
Serbia’s ambassador to Brazil, Mr. Veljko Lazic and his wife, Ms. Olga Lazic welcomed Brazilian journalists on Tuesday evening, March 12th, 2019, to present the tourism of their country, including the culture, natural beauties, the attractions of the capital Belgrade and the country´s gastronomy.
The event took place at the embassy of Serbia, which is located in the Setor de Embaixadas Sul (Embassies South Sector) of Brasilia. The journalists fraternized with the ambassador, the ambassadress and other diplomats of Serbia and after the arrival of all guests, the ambassador gave a welcome speech and explained about that special event.
Then, the ambassadress Olga Lazic explained about the exquisite gastronomy of many regions of Serbia. After her words, the ambassador invited the guest to see some beautiful videos about the tourism attractions of that beautiful country.
After the videos, the ambassador invited the journalists to go to the dining halls of the embassy and to taste special dishes of the Serbian gastronomy.
After the delicious dinner, the guests had the opportunity to try some of the typical sweets and desserts from Serbia.
Ambassador Veljko Lazic was greeted by the guests for the special event. It was very important to know that Serbia is a great tourism destination and it was also a great pleasure to taste some of its unique cuisine.

Ambassador of Serbia, Mr. Veljko Lazic and President of THE GUIDE Business Consultancy, Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira.
At the end of the event, the guests received many magazines and booklets with touristic information about Serbia.

Ms. Jelena Blazevic, First Secretary of the Embassy of Serbia, gave the beautiful material about Serbia to the guests
THE GUIDE congratulates Ambassador Veljko Lazic, the Ambassadress Olga Lazic and the Serbian diplomats for the great event and for the important initiative of showing more about their country to the Brazilian people.
THE GUIDE informs that for free coverage of diplomatic events, the invitations should be sent to:
Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira
President Director
THE GUIDE Business Consultancy
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Lago Sul
Brasília, DF, 71625-171
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