Inspired by the legendary figure of Madame Satã, theater company Grupo dos Dez brings to Teatro da Caixa a typically Brazilian musical that presents the concept of “action-musical-dramaturgy”, from June 7 to June 17.

The story of “Madame Satã” (Madame Satan) begins with the young João Francisco dos Santos, one of the 18 children of a poor family, who is exchanged for a horse and eventually becomes a mythological figure of Lapa, in Rio de Janeiro: black, poor and homosexual.

The stage play, however, uses Madame’s story and brings it to the present day, making it a metaphor for a political and aesthetic ideology. It is a symbol of the incorporation of cultural elements from Western Europe to the ” malandragem”, with references to African manifestations.

Venue: Teatro da Caixa
Setor Bancário Sul, Quadra 4, Lotes 3/4, Asa Sul
June 7 to June 17. Thursday to Saturday, at 8 pm; Sunday, at 7 pm
R$ 10,00 and R$ 5,00 (half-price for students and senior citizens)