The classic story of “The Beauty and the Beast” will be retold this Saturday and Sunday at Teatro Unip, in a musical show. The main plot revolves around an unlikely love between a woman thirsty for knowledge and a cursed prince.

Bruno Rizzo is the director of the musical and chose to also star as the Beast because of his passion for the story. He relied on the French tale to create this adaptation and, as he himself says, “wherever we go, receives praise.”

Unlike other musicals, which remain showing for long seasons in determined venues, this one is touring the country. For this reason, Rizzo classifies the piece as “a production of high technical complexity”, since, with each new city, the team has to undo and reconstruct the whole scene, load the more than 200 costumes and still be able to adjust the microphones of the 16 actors that go up on stage.

Venue: Teatro Unip
Setor de Grandes Áreas Sul 913 – Asa Sul
Saturday, April 14, at 3 pm; Sunday, April 15, at 2 pm and 6 pm
R$ 100,00 and R$ 50,00 (half-price for students and senior citizens)VIP – R$ 140,00 and R$ 70,00 (half-price for students and senior citizens)