Ambassador of Spain in Brazil, Mr. Manuel de la Cámara Hermoso and other Spanish diplomats and attachés received hundreds of guests for the celebration of Spain’s National Day, which took place at the official residence on October 08.

Following the tradition of the last party issues, in which honored the community of Castile and Leon, Andalusia and Galicia, this year’s celebration had as special guest the Autonomous Community of La Rioja, whose president, Don Jose Ignacio Ceniceros, sent a message recorded and transmitted to all during the event. He was represented by Director General of Culture and Tourism of La Rioja, Mr. Eduardo Rodríguez Ouse.

The party atmosphere led the guests to wineries community and cuisine from that beautiful part of Spain. Brazilian government officials, diplomats, businessmen and members of Brasilia society, all were led to experience the wonderful wines of the region, offered by various wineries attending the event. Another important highlight was the participation of the restaurant “La Vieja Bodega” in Casalarreina, whose owner Ángel Pérez Aguilar came to Brasilia for this event accompanied by two “chefs” of his team and a student of Rioja’s Hotel School.

After the arrival of guests, the anthems of Brazil, Spain and the European Union were played. Then, ambassador Manuel de la Cámara Hermoso made a speech of thanks for the presence of the guests and highlighting the excellent relations between his country and Brazil. He also thanked all those who contributed to the realization of that great party.

The celebration of Spain’s National Day was a beautiful time of fellowship and also presented Spain as a quality tourism destination, including wine tourism, gastronomic, cultural and educational, in which La Rioja is a reference.

THE GUIDE congratulates the Embassy of Spain for its National Day!