Polish Ambassador Andrzej Maria Braiter, his wife Katarzyna Braiter, diplomats and attachés from that astonishing country welcomed hundreds of guests for a lunch in celebration of Poland’s national day, which took place on May 10, 2017.
The beautiful event took place in the inner courtyard and social hall of the embassy and was attended by Brazilian government officials, foreign ambassadors and diplomats, businessmen and members of the society of Brasília. The wife of the governor of Brasília, Ms. Márcia Rollemberg, also attended the event.
The guests congregated in that beautiful early afternoon and after the arrival of everyone, the band of the Brazilian Navy performed the hymns of Brazil,Poland and the European Union. Then Ambassador Braiter delivered a speech highlighting Poland’s strong friendship with Brazil. After the speech, the ambassador received a commendation from a Polish World War II veteran.
The guests were then invited to taste typical Polish dishes, much appreciated by all.
The sympathy of the Polish people always stood out in the diplomaticevents and this time was no different. Ambassador Braiter and other members of the Polish embassy were greeted for the success of the beautiful commemorative event.
Celebrating Poland’s national date, the embassy further promoted the concert of the Polish artist Jarek Wist and the opening of the Polish art exhibition “Trans-grafika”.
THE GUIDE congratulates Ambassador Andrzej Maria Braiter, his wife Katarzyna Braiter and the other members of the Polish embassy in Brazil for their National Day!