Celebrating the War of Independence of 1821, March 25th is the National Day of Greece. To celebrate this date, the Ambassador of Greece, Mr. Dimitri Alexandrakis, received dozens of guests for a Vernissage at the Embassy, located in the Setor de Embaixadas Sul (South Embassy Sector) in Brasília. The exhibition presents the work of Mr. D’Anestis, a Brazilian painter from the state of Minas Gerais with roots in Greece.
Among the guests there were ambassadors, diplomats, Brazilian government officials, Brazilian businessmen and members of the society of Brasilia.
The launch of the exhibition was also to celebrate the Greek Presidency of the European Union, which runs from January 1 to June 30 2014. Greece is one of the oldest member-countries of the European Union, having become the 10th member in 1981.
After the guests arrival, the Ambassador Dimitri Alexandrakis gave a speech thanking the presence of the guests and emphasizing the Greek Presidency of the European Union, the good relations with Brazil and the launching of the exhibition of the work of D’Anestis, inspired by the beautiful, sublime, timeless art of Ancient Greece. His speech was applauded by all guests.
After the speech, Ambassador Dimitri Alexandrakis invited everyone to go to the social halls of the embassy, where other works of D’Anestis were been exhibited.