The Indian House restaurant opened its subsidiary Asa Sul on Wednesday, May 19th, when it received guests for a celebration dinner. Among the guests there were the ambassador of India, Mr. Suresh Reddy and other diplomats from that country. Members of the Indian community in Brasilia and personalities from Brasilia’s society also attended the event. Everyone was cordially welcomed by the owner of the restaurant, Mr. Deepak, a young Indian gentleman who has lived in Brazil for years and speaks Portuguese remarkably well.
The restaurant is in CLS 313 (Comércio Local Sul, Quadra 313, bloco B), in Asa Sul. The atmosphere is welcoming and the restaurant walls display posters with images and information about Indian culture.
After everyone’s arrival, the ambassador of India, Mr. Suresh Reddy, and the owner of the restaurant, Mr. Deepak, spoke welcoming words and thanked everyone for their presence. They were applauded and then cut a celebratory cake. The ambassador received flowers from Mr. Deepak and the celebration dinner started. Everyone praised the special dishes of Indian cuisine, served at the beautiful event.

The restaurant owner, Mr. Deepak and the ambassador of India, Mr. Suresh Reddy, spoke welcoming words to the guests.

Ambassador of India, Mr. Suresh Reddy (Left), and CEO of THE GUIDE Business Consultancy, Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira.
THE GUIDE congratulates Mr. Deepak for the beautiful event and invites members of the diplomatic corps to visit the INDIAN HOUSE restaurant!
THE GUIDE informs that for free coverage of diplomatic events, the invitations should be sent to:
Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira
President Director
THE GUIDE Business Consultancy
SGAN, Quadra 601, Lote H, sala 66, Ed. Ion, Asa Norte, Brasília DF, CEP 70830-018
If your prefer, send the invitations to the e-mails: or
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