The Embassy of Germany received members of the “Associação Brasileira de Jornalistas e Comunicadores da Área Internacional e Diplomática” (Brazilian Association of Journalists and Communicators from the International and Diplomatic Area – ABRAJINTER) for a luncheon on November 9th, 2021. The date recalled the fall of the Berlin Wall, which occurred in 1989.
The journalists and media professionals were welcomed by the German ambassador Heiko Thoms and by diplomats from various areas, such as economy, culture, environment, press and science.

Mrs. Fabiana Ceyhan, President of ABRAJINTER – Associação Brasileira de Jornalistas e Comunicadores da Área Internacional e Diplomática (Brazilian Association of Journalists and Communicators from the International and Diplomatic Area – ABRAJINTER)
Guests socialized in the embassy’s social halls and then were directed to the dining halls. Ambassador Heiko Thoms delivered a speech welcoming everyone and highlighting the importance of relations between Germany and Brazil. He said there are 1000 German companies operating in Brazil, employing 250,000 Brazilians and accounting for 10% of the Brazilian GDP. He informed that the international trade with Brazil is of 14.5 billion dollars and that, despite the drop due to the pandemic, there has already been a 23% recovery in the commercial flow between the two countries this year. Other diplomats from the fields of economy, culture, press, environment and science also spoke to the journalists present at the event and highlighted that Germany’s focus is on sustainable economic recovery and that their country operates in financing renewable energy projects, such as wind farms and power plants of solar energy. They also informed that the German embassy supports communities that create sustainable products in the Amazon region as well. All speeches were highly applauded by the guests.
After the speeches, the diplomats answered questions from journalists who addressed issues such as the environment and politics. After the questions were answered, Ambassador Thoms invited everyone to taste a traditional Brazilian feijoada, specially prepared for the event and highly praised by all.
THE GUIDE congratulates the Embassy of Germany for holding the beautiful get-together event!
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