“Vigiar e Punir” (Watch and Punish) arrives at the CCBB on March 21 and will be on display until March 31.

Characterized by the use of puppets, the spectacle is counted poetically and also using reference of the post-dramatic theater.

The proposal of the play is to show the evolution of the concepts of punishment and vigilance inside of the contemporary society.

Making use of sarcasm, the spectacle shows how the society of nowadays watches and controls the people, making a deconstruction of desires and natural impulses of the individuals, so that society can “normalize” this, silence and oppress the wills.

Venue: Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil – CCBB
Where: Setor de Clubes Esportivos Sul – SCES, Trecho 2, lote 22, Asa Sul (in front of Clube de Golfe)
When: From March 21th until March 31th.  From Thursday to Saturday at 8:00 pm and Sunday at 7:00 pm
Price: BRL 30.00 and BRL 15.00 (half price for students, senior citizens and Banco do Brasil clients)
Rating: 16
Information: (61) 3108-7600