The stand-up show “Levando o Caos” (Spreading the chaos) by the comedian Maurício Meirelles, will take place on Sunday, April 28, at 8:00 pm, at Teatro dos Bancários in Asa Sul.

“Levando o Caos” brings some subjects, like the depression, feminism, ways of raising domestic animals, the pregnancy of wife, preconceptions, among many others.

The comedian seeks to interact with the audience, inviting brave people who have funny stories to tell and analyzes the best of them. The story chosen by Maurício Meirelles, participates in “Web Bullying”, the most expected moment in the show, where the comedian takes on the profile of the person chosen, logging in on the person’s social networks (Facebook, Whatsapp, etc …) starting to interact with other people as if he were the owner of the account.

Maurício Meirelles is one of the most popular comedians in Brazil, has already performed in Portugal, Holland, England, Ireland and USA.

Venue: Teatro dos Bancários
Where: Entrequadra das Quadras CLS 314 and CLS 315, Bloco A – Asa Sul (near W3 avenue)
When: Sunday, April 28 at 8:00 pm
Prices: BRL 90.00 + 16.20 (convenience fee for online purchase)
BRL 45.00 (half price for students, senior citizens and people with disability)  + 8.10 (convenience fee for online purchase)
Where to buy: Online purchase at–levando-o-caos/selecione-seus-ingressos
Teatro dos Bancários Box Office
Central de Ingressos Store – Brasília Shopping
Rating: 14
Information: (61) 3034-6560