Ambassador of Bangladesh, Her Excellency Ms. Sadia Faizunnesa and her husband, Mr. Michael Patrick Winter.
On Monday, March 28th, the embassy of Bangladesh in Brazil celebrated the national day of its country with a fraternization dinner held at a special venue on the shore of Paranoá lake.
The guests, upon arrival, signed in the event book and then greeted the Ambassador, Her Excellency Ms. Sadia Faizunnesa, her husband, Mr. Michael Patrick Winter and other Bangladeshi embassy diplomats and attachés.
In the main hall there were banners showing part of Bangladeshi history while videos about Bangladeshi culture were shown on big screens installed on the main stage. Ambassadors, diplomats, attachés, businessmen and other members of Brasilia society celebrated this important date together.

From left: Mr. Mohhamad Mamun, Counselor of the Embassy of Bangladesh, Noela Alencar, Director of the American School of Brasilia and Ms. Samia Ronee, Chief of Mission of the Embassy of Bangladesh.

From left: Mr Kossam Mupezeni, Chargé d’Affaires of the Embassy of Zimbabwe, Ambassador of Belarus, Mr. Sergey Lukashevich, Ambassador of Tanzania, Mr. Adelardus Lubango Kilangi, and his wife, Ms. Salome Laurent Shitunguru.

Ambassador of Bangladesh, Ms Sadia Faizunnesa and CEO of THE GUIDE Business Consultancy, Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira.
Upon the arrival of the guests, Chief de Mission Ms. Samia Ronee greeted the guests and invited Ambassador Sadia Faizunnesa and the representative of the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Ms. Márcia Donner to take the stage for the performance of the national anthems of Bangladesh and Brazil.
After the anthems, Ambassador Sadia Faizunnesa spoke about the history of her country and its relevant economic growth, also reporting on Bangladesh’s prominent positions in the world economic scenario. In addition to these topics, the ambassador pointed out the strategic goals of progress for Bangladesh and its interaction in international cooperation projects. At the end, she highlighted the importance of the growing presence of women in the decision-making process in Bangladesh and the growth of bilateral cooperative relations between Bangladesh and Brazil.
After her speech, the ambassador, Ms. Sadia Faizunnesa invited the representative of the Brazilian government, Ambassador Márcia Donner, to address the guests. Her speech highlighted the growing and friendly relations between Bangladesh and Brazil.
After the speeches, Ambassador Sadia Faizunnesa invited the guests for a toast in honor of the national day of Bangladesh and the friendship between Bangladesh and Brazil.
Then, Ms. Samia Ronee invited everyone to watch a presentation on Bangladeshi culture and then a dance performance by talented young Brazilian dancers.
After the artistic performances, Ms. Samia Ronee announced the opening of the dining halls and invited everyone to enjoy dishes from Bangladeshi and Brazilian cuisines.

From left: Rodrigo Meireles, Manager of THE GUIDE Business Consultancy, Ambassador of Namibia, Mr. Mbapeua Muvangua, Ambassador of Kenya, Mr. Lemarron ole Kanto, Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira, CEO of THE GUIDE Business Consultancy and Mr. Calípio de Castro Palmeira, Sport vice-director of Clube Naval (Navy Club).
In an atmosphere of joy, the guests fraternized and congratulated the ambassador, Ms. Sadia Faizunnesa, and other members of the embassy for the beauty and success of the memorable celebration.
THE GUIDE congratulates the Embasssy of Bangladesh for its National Day and for the success of the event!
THE GUIDE informs that for free coverage of diplomatic events, the invitations should be sent to:
Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira
President Director
THE GUIDE Business Consultancy
SGAN, Quadra 601, Lote H, sala 66, Ed. Ion, Asa Norte, Brasília DF, CEP 70830-018
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