In celebration of the 200th anniversary of Brazil’s independence and the 60th anniversary of the University of Brasília, the Embassy of Korea promoted, on June 21st, a concert by the “Orquestra Sinfônica do Teatro Nacional Claudio Santoro (National Theater Symphonic Orchestra – OSTNCS). The event had the support of the Department of Culture of the Distrito Federal government and had the participation of violinist Hyu-Kyung Jung and soprano Yae-Eun Christina Seo, both Koreans.
Hundreds of people attended the concert and were welcomed by the ambassador of Korea to Brazil, Mr. Lim Ki Mo and other Korean diplomats. The Ambassador delivered a speech highlighting the growing relations between Korea and Brazil. Then the event began and the audience was enchanted by the beauty of the presentations, applauding the show.
At the end, the ambassador invited everyone to a celebratory cocktail, held near the auditorium. For a grand finale, everyone was treated to a musical performance by the ambassador, who sang several famous Brazilian songs.

The Ambassador of Korea, Mr. Lim Kim Mo,and maestro Claudio Cohen, among with Brazilian government authorities, cut a celebration cake.

Journalists from the “Associação Brasileira dos Jornalistas e Comunicadores da Área Internacional e Diplomática – ABRAJINTER” (Brazilian Association of Journalists and Comunicators in the International and Diplomatic Area) were at the event.

Ambassador of Korea to Brazil, Mr. Lim Ki Mo (Right) and CEO of THE GUIDE Business Consultancy, Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira
THE GUIDE congratulates the Embassy of Korea on the success of the beautiful event!
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