Ambassador of Belarus, Mr. Sergey Lukashevich and ambassadress Milena Lukashevich.
The embassy of Belarus received members of the “Associação Brasileira dos Jornalistas e Comunicadores da Área Internacional e Diplomatica – ABRAJINTER” (Brazilian Association of Journalists and Comunicators in the International and Diplomatic Area) for a confraternization lunch on May 10th, 2022. The event was a celebration of Victory Day, when the people of that country, together with the Soviet soldiers, defeated the German forces in the 2nd World War.

Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira, president of THE GUIDE Business Consultancy, and Ms. Fabiana Ceyhan, president of ABRAJINTER.
The guests were welcomed by the Ambassador of Belarus to Brazil, Mr. Sergey Lukashevich, and other diplomats and attachés from that embassy. Everyone fraternized in the social lounge of the embassy. A photo exhibition dedicated to Victory Day was displayed at the event. The Soviet flag, hoisted on the roof of the Reichstag in Berlin and marking the victory over fascism, was also displayed there.

Ambassador of Belarus, Mr. Sergey Lukashevich, seen here with the President of ABRAJINTER, Ms. Fabiana Ceyan and Halil Ceyhan.
Journalists from various media outlets (TV, newspaper and internet) attended the event and after the arrival of the guests, the ambassador of Belarus, Mr. Sergey Lukashevich gave a speech highlighting the suffering of the people of Belarus in World War II and the importance of celebrating Victory Day. Other points in his speech were Belarus’ position on the situation in Ukraine and in relation to economic sanctions; the socioeconomic development of the Republic of Belarus; the results of cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and Brazil; the need for Belarusian fertilizers to reach world markets, ensuring global food security; and the environmental aspects of the situation on the border between Belarus and Lithuania and Poland.

Ambassador of Belarus, Mr. Sergey Lukashevich, ambassadress Milena Lukashevich and Mr. Milton Atanazio, Consul of Belarus.
After the speech, the ambassador invited everyone to enjoy a special lunch, served in the dining hall and on the embassy’s balconies.
Ambassador Sergey Lukashevich and the other members of the Belarus embassy received congratulations from ABRAJINTER members for the success of the event.

Embassador of Belarus, Mr. Sergey Lukashevich and ambassadress Milena Lukashevich, seen here with the Vice President of ABRAJINTER, Mr. Uéliton Mello and his wife, Mrs. Dalcira Mello
THE GUIDE congratulates the Embassy of Belarus on the occasion of the celebration of Victory Day, an important reminder of the victory over the invading Nazi forces in World War II.
THE GUIDE informs that for free coverage of diplomatic events, the invitations should be sent to:
Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira
President Director
THE GUIDE Business Consultancy
SGAN, Quadra 601, Lote H, sala 66, Ed. Ion, Asa Norte, Brasília DF, CEP 70830-018
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