The dance show “Al revés” brings the idea of ​​deconstruction of the usual structure of the flamenco spectacles, not being predictable. Within the elements that make up the flamenco music and dance, the choreography explores the new and the traditional, always playing with the idea of ​​the opposite, the reverse.

The idea of ​​“Al revés” is to show that the world has become very urban. The dance show uses Brasilia as an example. It all started with nature and became urban. The spectacle brings the opposite: it is the urban leading to this more organic side.

The dance show features musicians from São Paulo, Curitiba and Rio de Janeiro, who are acclaimed in the Brazilian flamenco scene, as well as artists from Brasília.


Venue: Centro Cultural de Brasília
SGAN, Quadra 601, Módulo B – Asa Norte
Friday, April 6, at 9h30 pm
R$ 50,00 and R$ 25,00 (half-price for students and senior citizens)