The comedy stage play Misticismo (Mysticism), one of the greatest hits of theater group Melhores do Mundo, is back to Brasília this weekend.

The stage play is well-known for bringing several sketches about religions. One of the most famous characters – the guru Baguivaxala – has crossed theater lines and has already debuted on TV.

Another sketch, Missa Redonda (Round Mass), plays with Catholic television programs. Evangelical pastors are also part of the group’s jokes, which have had the same faithful members since 1995.


Venue: Teatro do Museu da República
Setor Cultural Sul, Lote 02 – Esplanada dos Ministérios
Friday, March 23, at 9 pm; Sunday, March 25, at 8 pm
Price: R$ 80,00 and R$ 40,00 (half-price for students and senior citizens)