Journalists and media professionals from ABRAJINTER (Associação Brasileira de Jornalistas e Comunicadores da Área Internacional e Diplomática – Brazilian Association of Journalists and Communicators from the International and Diplomatic Area) visited the Embassy of Azerbaijan on November 17th for a reception given by the ambassador Elkhan P. Polukhov in honor of Victory Day.

Ambassador of Azerbaijan, Mr. Elkhan P. Polukhov (Center), seen here with the President and Vice president of ABRAJINTER, Mrs. Fabiana Ceyhan and Mr. Ueliton C. de Mello, and the ambassador of Turkey, Mr. Mr. Murat Yavuz (right).
The guests were welcomed by the ambassador and other diplomats from Azerbaijan. The gathering took place in the embassy’s social hall and besides journalists and media professionals, ambassadors, diplomats and military attaches from other countries also attended the event.
After the guests arrived, Ambassador Elkhan P. Polukhov delivered a speech highlighting the restoration of his country’s territorial integrity, achieved after 44 days of fighting. The ambassador reminded those who heroically lost their lives for their country and the importance of creating a national holiday so that the people of Azerbaijan will always remember their heroic and historic achievement.

Ambassador of Azerbaijan,Mr. Elkhan P. Polukhov (Center), ambassador of Turkey, Mr. Mr. Murat Yavuz (right) and CEO of THE GUIDE Business Consultancy Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira.
At the end of the event, guests received gifts and a folder with material with information about the war, as well as a copy of the speech of the President of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Aliyev and the Declaration of the Parliament of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the occasion of November 8th.
THE GUIDE congratulates Ambassador Elkhan P. Polukhov and the people of Azerbaijan and hopes that peace will always be constant in all parts of the world.
THE GUIDE informs that for free coverage of diplomatic events, the invitations should be sent to:
Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira
President Director
THE GUIDE Business Consultancy
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