Ambassador of Belarus, Mr. Sergei Lukashevich, delivers a speech to the guests.
The ambassador of Belarus to Brazil, Mr. Sergei Lukashevich, together with other diplomats from that country and their families, received journalists who are members of ABRAJINTER – Brazilian Association of Journalists in the International and Diplomatic Areas for a lunch on January 26th. The event took place on the occasion of the 105th anniversary of the diplomatic service of the Republic of Belarus.
The event took place at the Belarusian embassy and was attended by professionals from several newspapers and media outlet representatives. Guests were able to visit a photo exhibition about Belarusian women, introduced by ambassasadress Milena Lukashevich. A tasting of typical drinks from that beautiful country was offered to the guests.
Ambassador Sergei Lukashevich gave a welcome speech to journalists and highlighted the importance of ABRAJINTER and its associates in publicizing the opinions of all sides regarding the international conflicts taking place in the world. He also reported on Belarus’s growing relations with Brazil. After the speech, the ambassador awarded the President and Vice-President of ABRAJINTER, Mrs. Fabiana Ceyhan and Milton Atanásio, with a diploma of recognition for the association’s work in favor of strengthening Belarus’s relations with Brazil.

President and Vice President of ABRAJINTER, Mrs. Fabiana Ceyhan and Mr. Milton Atanásio, were honored by the ambassador of Belarus, Mr. Sergei Lukashevich.
After the diploma, a draw began for various gifts from the embassy and several lucky guests were honored.
Then, the ambassador invited everyone to enjoy a special lunch offered by the embassy and everyone gathered together in an atmosphere of joy and harmony.
THE GUIDE congratulates the Embassy of Belarus on the success of the celebration!
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