Semana da Francofonia (Francophone Week) presents a film festival to show all the diversity, culture and art of countries where French is spoken.


The Francophone Film Festival begins on March 21 with 12 films from Belgium, Burkina Faso, Canada, Ivory Coast, France, Slovenia, Senegal and Switzerland. The film festival runs until March 31. One of the highlights is the acclaimed animation Aya de Yopougon.


See the program below:


March 21

Boa Sorte Argélia (Good Luck Algeria, France, 2015), at 5 pm

A Paixão de Augustine (La passion d’Augustine, France, 2017), at 7h30 pm


March 22

Aya de Yopougon (France, 2013), at 5 pm

Pânico, at 7h30 pm


March 23

O Quadro (Le Tableau, France, 2011), at 5 pm

Entre Nós, o Estranho (Among us, the Stranger), at 7h30 pm


March 24

Minha Vida de Abobrinha (Ma Vie de Courgette, 2016), at 5 pm

Sarah Interpreta um Lobisomem (Sarah Joue un Loup-Garou, Switzerland/Germany, 2017), at 7h30 pm


March 25

Minha Vida de Abobrinha (Ma Vie de Courgette, 2016), at 3 pm

Boa Sorte Argélia (Good Luck Algeria, France, 2015), at 5 pm

Tempestade, at 7h30 pm


March 27

O Olho do Furacão (L’oeil Du Cyclone, France,2015), at 5 pm

A Economia do Amor (L’économie du couple, 2016) at 7h30 pm


March 28

Entre Nós, o Estranho (Among us, the Stranger), at 5 pm

Pânico, at 7h30 pm


March 29

Sarah Interpreta um Lobisomem (Sarah Joue un Loup-Garou, Switzerland/Germany, 2017), at 7h30 pm


March 31

Minha Vida de Abobrinha (Ma Vie de Courgette, 2016), at 3 pm

A Paixão de Augustine (La passion d’Augustine, France, 2017), at 5 pm

Tempestade, at 7h30 pm



Venue: CCBB
Setor de Clubes Esportivos Sul, Trecho 2 – Asa Sul
March 21 to March 31.
Free Admission