Instrumentalist Zé Krishna brings to Brasília a new concert celebrating the release of his new music video “Shiva 6”. The concert features the band Amigos Eternos and Rio de Janeiro singer Chico Chico
Born in Nova Dheli in India, Zé Krishna, arrived in Brazil at the age of 12 and since then has found in music a way of integrating himself into Brazilian culture.
2017 was a special year for Zé Krishna. In addition to recording his first album “EK”, which means “first” in Hindi to be released in 2018, Zé Krishna was invited by the Brazilian production company Jazz We Can to open the concert of the American fusion jazz band Snarky Puppy at Circo Voador.
Venue: Cervejaria Criolina
Where: SOF Sul – Quadra 1 – Conjunto B
When: Friday, March 2, at 8 pm
Price: R$ 20,00
Rating: Free