Ambassador of Belarus, Mr. Sergey Lukashevich and ambassadress Milena Lukashevich.  

The Embassy of Belarus promoted on December 16 an end of year celebration. In the event there was a photo exhibition with singular images of that beautiful country.

The Embassy was beautifully decorated for the event and among the guests there were foreign ambassadors, Brazilian government officials, businessmen, journalists and personalities from Brasilia society. The guests were welcomed by the Ambassador of Belarus to Brazil, Mr. Sergey Lukashevich, his wife and other diplomats and attachés from that embassy.  

The ambassador made a speech explaining about some singularities from his country and the friendship between Belarus and Brazil.

Also during the event, beautiful Belarusian Christmas songs were played live. The musicians were also applauded by the audience for the beautiful performance. 

After the ambassador pronouncement, there was a lottery of special gifts from Belarus. Guests won art works, drinks and traditional craft works.

A celebration lunch was served after the draw with delicious typical Belarus cuisine. All the guests congratulated the embassys members for the success of the beautiful event and also received as gifts typical sweets from that beautiful country. 

THE GUIDE congratulates the embassy of Belarus for the success of the event and also for the Christmas spirit of peace and love for everyone!

THE GUIDE informs that for coverage of diplomatic events, the invitations should be sent to:

Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira
President Director
THE GUIDE Business Consultancy
SGAN, Quadra 601, Lote H, sala 66, Ed. Ion, Asa Norte, Brasília DF, CEP 70830-018

If your prefer, send the invitations to the e-mails: or




THE GUIDE informs:

Seafood restaurant Sagrado Mar, in Lago Sul, presents a unique connection between seafood and the temperature of the ember. Immerse yourself in the flavors that Chef Marco Espinoza has prepared in a special Menu. 

Click here to know the seafood restaurant Sagrado Mar.