If you and your kids are in vacation, enjoy the activities that CCBB – Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil has prepared for this month. The vacation programming of “CCBB Educacional” will happen until January 31th, from 9am to 9pm.

The program develops actions that stimulate experience, creation, research and reflection through pedagogical, artistic and curatorial processes. These sharing takes place through cultural exchanges and educational methodologies that guarantee broad and inclusive access to heritage and its diversity. The activities are intended for all ages and have inclusive actions for people with disabilities.


Flores de Plástico não Morrem (Plastic flowers don’t die)
January 9th to 13th
Rating: free
From the observation of paintings called “Natureza Morta” (Dead Nature), there will be explored the possibilities of composition, observation and representation of these objects. There will be the experience of various ways of perceiving with the eyes or touch, and then represent them.

Oficina de Pequenas histórias (Small Story Workshop) with the group “Presepada Mamulengo”
January 9th and 11th, at 4pm
Rating: free
Workshop on manipulating “mamulengos”* and small stories.
*Mamulengos: kind of puppet typical of Brazilian northwest.

Presentation with the group “Presepada Mamulengo”
January 12th, at 5pm
Rating: free
Presentation of the group Mamulengo Presepada.

Pintura de Histórias (Story Painting)
From January16th to 18th
Rating: free
In this activity people will try to tell stories in different artistic languages ​​from the paintings of the exhibition. Classicism, Realism, Vanguard: Italian Painting in the Interwar.

Contação de histórias com a Contorcionista de histórias (Story telling with stories Contortionist)
From January 16th to 18th, at 4pm
Rating: free
Storytelling with Nina Orthof, the Contortionist of stories and realization of a micro-office to give body to the imagination and stories shared between us.

Expografia Coletiva (Collective Expography)
January 19th, 20th, 23rd and 24th
Rating: free
In a fun way  people will learn together about how to organize an exhibition in the venue. Together everybody will set up an exhibition!

Apresentação e Contação de Histórias (Presentation and storytelling with Nina Orthof)
With Interpreter of LIBRAS (Brazilian Language of Signals)
January 19th, at 5pm
Rating: free
Storytelling with Nina Orthof, the Story Contortionist and her partner, Lucas (the Umbrella).

Corpos em Construção (Bodies in Construction)
January 25th to 27th
Rating: free
This activity proposes, using various techniques, that people think about the possibilities of being a body from our perceptions of what a body can do.

Shadow theater workshops and presentation of the show “Iara – O Encanto das Águas” (Iara the Charm of Water), with Cia Lumiato
January 25th and 26th, at 4pm
Rating free
Shadow theater is an experience of interaction with space, scenic materials and lights that uses modern shadow theater, proposing to the audience present games to experience the possibilities of this language. The Cia Lumiato (theatre company) opens the doors to this dream universe of shadows, where fantasy and reality are mixed, leading participants to create worlds where everything is possible.

Show “Iara – O Encanto das Águas” (Iara – The Charm of Waters), with Cia Lumiato
January 26th, at 5pm
Rating: 4
Shadow theater show inspired by legend and myth of the Brazilian mermaid, IARA. It seeks to sensitize the children and youth public about the knowledge of the oral tradition of the peoples originating in Brazil. In the research of the indigenous mythological universe was chosen the theme of the Brazilian mermaid, the Iara, for finding in it a great symbolic potential that allows its staging in shadow theater.

Anima-ção (Animation)
From January 30th to 31st
Rating: Free
Stop motion on acetate sheets: workshop to create animations using everyday images that will help bring imaginary characters into our reality using transparent surfaces to give life and movement to these beings.

Dia Nacional dos Quadrinhos (National Comics Day)
Basic Comics Workshop with Lucas Gehre
January 30th and 31st, at 5pm
Rating: 10
In order to celebrate the national day of comics, the Programa Educacional CCBB (Educational Program) invites the artist and illustrator Lucas Gehre to give a workshop to the public know the universe of creation of the comics, presenting the characteristics and possibilities of this language for children. In a practical workshop, we can build our own stories together.