The journalist and CEO of THE GUIDE Business Consultancy, Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira, received honor from the International Academy of Culture – AIC on the night of November 26th for his outstanding journalism work aimed at the foreign community at embassies and international organizations in Brasília.
The event was titled the VI Arts and Literature Exhibition (VI Mostra de Artes e Literatura ) and took place in the Legislative Chamber of the Federal District. Intellectuals, diplomats, businesspeople, journalists and prominent personalities in the arts and sciences attended the celebration.
The meeting was the last event to be held by the Academy this year and welcomed three new members, Mrs. Cleusa Brandão, Mrs. Hiromi Takano and Mrs. Isabel Barbosa, in addition to honoring outstanding personalities in the areas of visual arts, Sciences, Journalism, Literature and Music, in addition to special honors for Public Personality and outstanding ambassador, an award given to the ambassador of Hungary, Mr. Miklós Halmai.

Ambassador of Hungary, Mr. Miklós Halmai and President of THE GUIDE Business Consultancy, Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira.
During the event, a young 11-year-old violinist performed and amazed everyone with her enormous talent, receiving great applause from everyone.
After the new members entered the Academy, the tributes began and the honored were:
Journalism: Pedro Paulo Moreira
Sciences: Rodrigo Souza Lima
Visual Arts: Lorenzo de Bem
Literature: Quélvia Heringer
Literature: Rosa Graciela
Music: Káthia Pinheiro
Public Personality: Ilda Peliz
Highlight for the Ambassador of Hungary, Mr. Miklós Halmai
The event also honored as National Highlight the Senator Carlos Vianna.
After receiving the honor, Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira gave a quick speech highlighting his work that began more than twenty years ago and before the arrival of social media. He highlighted the importance of producing cultural information about Brasília and Brazil for those who did not speak Portuguese. Finally, he thanked the President of the Academy, Mrs. Shirley Pontes and all other academics. His speech received warm applause from everyone.
After the end of the official solemnity, everyone went to the Foyer of the Legislative Chamber, where there was an exhibition of paintings by various artists, a literary launch and musical performances. Everyone gathered together in an atmosphere of great joy and pride in the success of organizing such a beautiful event!
THE GUIDE congratulates the International Academy of Culture for the VI Arts and Literature Exhibition and for the tributes paid to prominent personalities in Brasilia society!
Click here to see the publication: International Academy of Culture pays tribute to personalities and promotes the 6th Arts and Literature Exhibition at the Legislative Assembly of the Federal District