Ambassador of Egypt to Brazil, Ms. Mai Taha Khalil, Defense Attaché of Egypt, Colonel Sherif El Sobky, his wife Mrs. Randa Elsobky and Mr. Karim Hegazy

The Embassy of Egypt welcomed dozens of guests on the evening of October 9, 2024, to celebrate Egyptian Armed Forces Day and the Anniversary of the Glorious Victories of October. The important event took place at Villa Riza, a traditional venue for large events in Brasília, DF.

The Egyptian Ambassador to Brazil, Ms. Mai Taha Khalil, and the Defense Attaché, Colonel Sherif El Sobky and his wife, received greetings from the guests, including Brazilian government officials, ambassadors from several countries, defense attachés, religious authorities, businessmen, journalists and members of Brazilian society.


Defense Attaché of Egypt, Colonel Sherif El Sobky, his wife and President of THE GUIDE Business Consultancy, Pedro Paulo Moreira.

The social hall was beautifully decorated and the guests had access to informative material about Egypt and also to an exhibition of objects that convey the history of that famous country. A large screen installed next to the stage showed videos about the Egyptian armed forces.


The guests celebrated the important event and after everyone arrived, the ceremony began with the playing of the Brazilian and Egyptian national anthems. Then, the Egyptian Defense Attaché, Colonel Sherif El Sobky, gave a speech praising his country’s armed forces and the important historical moment that was the well-known Glorious Victories of October. His beautiful speech received warm applause from everyone. Then, a video was shown and everyone was able to learn more about Egypt’s great military power, with equipment and the latest defense technologies.

Then, the start of the evening’s special dinner was announced, featuring Egyptian and Brazilian cuisine. The guests enjoyed the dinner in an atmosphere of fellowship and joy.

At the end, the guests were presented with gifts themed on Egyptian culture, which was very much appreciated by everyone.

The Egyptian Ambassador to Brazil, Mrs. Mai Taha Khalil, and the Defense Attaché, Colonel Sherif El Sobky, received everyone’s congratulations for the grand celebration event.


THE GUIDE congratulates the Embassy of Egypt on the Egyptian Armed Forces Day and the Anniversary of the Glorious Victories of October!

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Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira
President Director
THE GUIDE Business Consultancy
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