Ambassador of Bangladesh, H.E. Mrs. Sadia Faizunnesa (right) and her husband, Mr. Michael Winter, seen here with the Advisor of the Ministry of Women and Children Affairs of Bangladesh, Ms. Sharmeen S. Murshid.
The Embassy of Bangladesh in Brazil recently welcomed a delegation from the National Defense College (NDC) and also the Advisor of the Ministry of Women and Children Affairs of Bangladesh, Ms. Sharmeen S. Murshid. The events were held at the Bangladesh House.
The delegation from the Bangladesh National Defense College (NDC) came to Brazil for many compromises with the Brazilian armed Forces and was welcomed at a dinner held on September 30 at the official residence, located in the Lago Sul neighborhood of Brasília. The event was attended by foreign ambassadors, diplomats, military personnel, Brazilian government officials and journalists. All were received by the Ambassador of Bangladesh, Mrs. Sadia Faizunnesa and the Defense Attaché of Bangladesh, Commodore Afzal.
The Ambassador gave a speech welcoming everyone and highlighted the importance of defense relations between her country and Brazil. Next, the representative of the group of Bangladeshi military authorities also gave a speech and thanked the ambassador and the Defense Attaché of Bangladesh in Brazil, Commodore Afzal, for their support and hospitality during the delegation’s visit to the country. The speeches were applauded by all guests.
A dinner with Brazilian and Bangladeshi cuisine was served to everyone in the dining rooms of the residence. Everyone celebrated and congratulated Ambassador Sadia Faizunnesa for the wonderful reception.
On October 10, the Advisor of the Ministry of Women and Children Affairs of Bangladesh, Ms. Sharmeen S. Murshid, was honored with a reception dinner also at the official residence. Ms. Murshid was in the country to meet with Brazilian government officials. The dinner was attended by foreign ambassadors and diplomats, Brazilian authorities, journalists, businesspeople and prominent figures from Brasília society.

Advisor of the Ministry of Women and Children Affairs of Bangladesh, Ms. Sharmeen S. Murshid and President of THE GUIDE Business Consultancy, Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira.
The Ambassador thanked everyone for coming and gave a speech praising the example of Mrs. Sharmeen S. Murshid, a respected personality on the international stage for her important work.
Mrs. Murshid also gave a speech and explained to everyone the latest developments and the current situation in her country. Everyone applauded the important speeches.
Then, Ambassador Faizunnesa invited everyone to enjoy a dinner with authentic Bangladeshi cuisine.
The dinner was very much enjoyed by everyone, who had a great time together.
THE GUIDE congratulates the Embassy of Bangladesh on the success of the welcome dinners!
See below the images of the reception to the delegation from the Bangladesh National Defense College (NDC).
See below the images of the reception to the Advisor of the Ministry of Women and Children Affairs of Bangladesh, Ms. Sharmeen S. Murshid.
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