Dr. Júlio Delamora is a Real Estate and Succession Lawyer, postgraduate in Civil Procedure and Execution Procedure.
He’s part of the Real Estate Law, Urban Law, Fiduciary Regulation, Patrimony Planning and Succession Committees of the OAB/DF. Member of IBDFAM (Brazilian Institute of Family Law) and IBRADIM (Brazilian Institute of Real Estate Law). Counselor for the Regional Council of Real Estate Brokers – CRECI-DF and Vice-President of the Real Estate Brokers Union – SINDIMÓVEIS-DF.
Dr. Júlio Delamôra works as a consultant at a law firm specializing in real estate and patrimony matters, providing services in contentious issues, preventive consultancy, legal assistance through monthly maintenance contracts, as well as patrimony evaluations and technical support in forensic expert opinions and property appraisals.
Expert in the real estate sector, believes that it is possible to make good investments with legal security, thus avoiding significant costs in legal proceedings
Schedule your consultation and clear your doubts about the Real Estate Market with someone who understands the subject.
Dr. Júlio César Delamôra
Cellphone: +55 61 98443-3570
Instagram: @julio_delamora / @delamoraadvocacia
Address: SGAN 601, Lote H, Edifício ION, Salas 65/66, ASA NORTE – Brasília/DF.