Ambassador of Cameroun, Mr. Martim Mbeng and ambassadress Laura Mbeng.
The Cameroun National Day was celebrated on the night of May 21st with a big event promoted by the embassy at the ambassador’s official residence located in the Lago Sul neighborhood of Brasília.
The social halls and open air areas of the embassy were beautifully decorated, with tables arranged in all areas of the yards.
Among the dozens of guests there were Brazilian government officials, foreign ambassadors, diplomats, businesspeople, journalists and members of Brazilian society.

Ambassador of Cameroun, Mr. Martim Mbeng, ambassadress Laura Mbeng, ambassador of Azerbaijan, Mr. Rashad Novruz and his wife.

Ambassador of Barbados, Ms. Tonika Sealy-Thompson and President Director of THE GUIDE Business Consultancy, Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira.

Ambassador of India, Mr. Suresh Reddy and Plastic Surgeon Doctor Wanessa Sigiane. Click here to know Dr. Sigiane services.
The ambassador received greetings from the guests and after everyone arrived, the event began with the playing of the national anthems of Brazil and Cameroun.
Afterwards, guests were able to watch a beautiful video about Cameroun and a fashion show. Cameroun’s ambassador, Mr. Martim Mbeng, then gave a speech praising the strong friendly relationship that his country has with Brazil. A representative of the Brazilian government spoke afterwards and praised Cameroun’s stance in working to grow relations between the two countries. After the speeches, a toast was proposed in honor of Cameroun’s National Day and the ties of friendship with Brazil.
Guests were invited to the dining room where a special dinner was prepared with foods from Cameroun and Brazil.
The guests socialized in a happy atmosphere and after dinner, many danced to lively music rhythms of Cameroun’s music. Cameroun’s ambassador, Mr. Martim Mbeng and ambassadress Laura Mbeng received everyone’s congratulations for the beautiful celebration.

President Director of THE GUIDE Business Consulting (center), seen here with business executives from MUNDIAL RESIDENCE – International and National Removal and Relocation Company, Mr. José Santos (left) and Mr. Allan Costa Ferreira. Click here to know MUNDIAL RESIDENCE.
THE GUIDE congratulates the Embassy of Cameroun on its National Day!
THE GUIDE informs that for coverage of diplomatic events, the invitations should be sent to:
Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira
President Director
THE GUIDE Business Consultancy
SGAN, Quadra 601, Lote H, sala 66, Ed. Ion, Asa Norte, Brasília DF, CEP 70830-018
If your prefer, send the invitations to the e-mails: or
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With more than 40 years’ experience, MUNDIAL RESIDENCE is a partner of THE GUIDE and offers a complete and personalized national and international removal and relocation service to 5 continents.
The international transport sector of MUNDIAL RESIDENCE is prepared to serve you in English and provide consultancy on Brazilian or any other country’s legislation and documentation, ensuring a successful moving service from first contact to after-sales, always focusing on customer satisfaction.