Banco do Brasil presents and sponsors “Rumination Landscapes,” the first major retrospective of Luiz Zerbini, one of the leading figures in Brazilian contemporary art. The exhibition features new works in Rio de Janeiro and is the artist’s first solo show in Brasília.

Comprising 140 pieces, the exhibition offers a unique opportunity to appreciate and reflect on nearly 50 years of Zerbini’s career, whose multifaceted and innovative trajectory deeply influences both the national and international art scenes. Curated by Clarissa Diniz, the show invites visitors to dive into Zerbini’s peculiar and intriguing universe and immerse themselves in his creative process.

By organizing this project, the Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil honors and promotes access to national artistic production and reinforces its commitment to enhancing Brazilians’ connection to culture.

About CCBB Brasilia

The Banco do Brasil Brasília Cultural Center was inaugurated on October 12, 2000, after a major renovation to adapt the Tancredo Neves Building, with the aim of bringing together in one place all possible forms of art and creativity demonstration, to take it them to the public of Brasília.

The Presidente Tancredo Neves building is part of a set of architectural works signed by famous architect Oscar Niemeyer. With its immense landscaping project, designed by Alda Rabello Cunha, the building has spacious living spaces, café, restaurant, galleries, cinema room, theater, multipurpose rooms, gardens and a central square for open events, where concerts, shows and performances are held.


Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil  (click here for location on Maps)

Free Entry

Galleries 2, 3, and 5

9 am to 9 pm | Entry to galleries until 8:40 pm

Free admission with ticket reservation




Luiz Zerbini – Paisagens Ruminadas no CCBB

Banco do Brasil apresenta e patrocina Paisagens Ruminadas, primeira grande retrospectiva de Luiz Zerbini, um dos principais expoentes da arte contemporânea brasileira. A mostra apresenta trabalhos inéditos no Rio de Janeiro e é a primeira individual do artista em Brasília.

Composta por 140 obras, a exposição é uma oportunidade única de apreciar e refletir sobre os quase 50 anos de carreira de Zerbini, cuja trajetória multifacetada e inovadora marca profundamente o cenário artístico nacional e internacional. Com curadoria de Clarissa Diniz, a mostra é um convite a mergulhar no universo peculiar e instigante de Zerbini e imergir em seu processo criativo.

Ao realizar este projeto, o Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil homenageia e promove o acesso à produção artística nacional e reforça seu compromisso de ampliar a conexão dos brasileiros com a cultura.

Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil

Classificação Livre

Galerias 2, 3 e 5

das 9h às 21h | entrada nas galerias até 20h40

Entrada gratuita mediante retirada de ingresso