The Embassy of Nepal, together with supporting partners and companies, inaugurated the EXPO NEPAL 2024 on the morning of Friday, March 1st. The event was held at the Pier 21 Shopping Center until Sunday (the 3rd) and the public was be able to visit several participating exhibitors, including Nepalese companies that offered handicrafts, carpets, arts, clothes, thanka, tour packages and much more!
Brazilian and Nepalese government authorities, ambassadors, diplomats, businesspeople, students and personalities from Brasília society attended the opening of EXPO NEPAL, which began with a beautiful performance by a Nepalese flutist who played the national anthems of Brazil and Nepal.
Afterwards, the ambassador of Nepal to Brazil, Mr. Nirmal Kafle, gave a welcome speech and thanked everyone for their presence, highlighting that the event would be the beginning of the growth of bilateral relations between his country and Brazil. Several authorities spoke afterwards, with unanimous praise for Nepal as one of the best tourist destinations in the world.
After the speech, ambassador Kafle honored the Brazilian authorities. Then, everyone visited the different stands organized on site and were able to buy a variety of products, from small handicrafts to large rugs of rare beauty.
Government authorities, diplomats and businesspeople participated in a business meeting in which important contacts were made, opening the door for major import and export negotiations, in addition to promoting tourism to that beautiful country in Asia.

Mr. Deepak Raj Joshi, Director General of the Confederation of Nepalese Industries, explained to Brazilians about the business opportunities in Nepal.

Ambassador of Nepal to Brazil, Mr. Nirmal Kafle and President of THE GUIDE Business Consultancy, Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira.
The Ambassador of Nepal, Mr. Nirmal Kafle, diplomats and businessmen of Nepal were highly congratulated on the success of the important event.
THE GUIDE congratulates the Embassy of Nepal for organizing the EXPO NEPAL 2024!
A Embaixada do Nepal, juntamente com parceiros e empresas apoiadoras, inaugurou a EXPO NEPAL 2024 na manhã de sexta-feira, 01 de março. O evento foi realizado no Shopping Center Pier 21 até o domingo dia 03 e o público pode visitar diversos expositores participantes, incluindo empresas nepalesas que ofereceram pacotes turísticos e produtos artesanais e industrializados.
Autoridades do governo brasileiro e nepalês, embaixadores, diplomatas, empresários, estudantes e personalidades da sociedade de Brasília compareceram a abertura da EXPO NEPAL, que se iniciou com uma bela apresentação de um flautista nepalês o qual tocou os hinos nacionais do Brasil e do Nepal. Em seguida, o embaixador do Nepal no Brasil, Sr. Nirmal Kafle, fez um discurso de boas-vindas e agradeceu a presença de todos, ressaltando que o evento seria o início do crescimento das relações bilaterais entre seu país e o Brasil. Diversas autoridades discursaram em seguida, sendo unânime os elogios ao Nepal como um dos melhores destinos turísticos do mundo.
Após o discurso, o embaixador Kafle prestou homenagens às autoridades presentes. Em seguida, todos conheceram os diversos estandes organizados no local e puderam comprar variados produtos, desde pequenos artesanatos até grandes tapetes de rara beleza.
Autoridades governamentais, diplomatas e empresários participaram de uma reunião de negócios em que importantes contatos foram feitos, abrindo portas para grandes negociações de importação e exportação, além do fomento do turismo para aquele belo país da Ásia.
O embaixador do Nepal, Sr. Nirmal Kafle, diplomatas e empresários do Nepal foram muito cumprimentados pelo sucesso do importante evento.
O THE GUIDE parabeniza a embaixada do Nepal pela organização da EXPO NEPAL 2024!
Ambassador of Nepal to Brazil, Mr. Nirmal Kafle and President of THE GUIDE Business Consultancy, Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira.
Mr. Deepak Raj Joshi, Director General of the Confederation of Nepalese Industries, explained to Brazilians about the business opportunities in Nepal.
THE GUIDE informs that for coverage of diplomatic events, the invitations should be sent to:
Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira
President Director
THE GUIDE Business Consultancy
SGAN, Quadra 601, Lote H, sala 66, Ed. Ion, Asa Norte, Brasília DF, CEP 70830-018
If your prefer, send the invitations to the e-mails: or
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