Until April 27th, CCBB Brasília will host the exhibition “Fullgás – Artes Visuais e Anos 1980 no Brasil” (Fullgas – Visual Arts and the 1980s in Brazil). The unprecedented exhibition will feature around 300 works by more than 200 artists from all regions of the country, showing a broad panorama of Brazilian arts in the 1980s. Elements of the visual culture of the time, such as magazines, pamphlets, record covers and iconic objects, complete the show, broadening the reflection on the period.

With Raphael Fonseca as chief curator and Amanda Tavares and Tálisson Melo as assistant curators, the show takes a broad approach to the period, recognizing that its questions and impulses began and ended beyond the ten-year time frame that traditionally defines a decade. Thus, the exhibition covers the period from 1978 to 1993, with the end of Institutional Act No. 5 and the year following the impeachment of former president Fernando Collor de Mello as milestones.

In this context, the exhibition “Fullgás – Artes Visuais e Anos 1980 no Brasil” (Fullgas – Visual Arts and the 1980s in Brazil) will bring together big names such as Adriana Varejão, Beatriz Milhazes, Daniel Senise, Leonilson, Luiz Zerbini and Leda Catunda, among others, as well as important artists from different regions of the country, such as Jorge dos Anjos (MG), Kassia Borges (GO), Sérgio Lucena (PB), Vitória Basaia (MT) and Raul Cruz (PR). In order to develop this comprehensive research, in addition to the curators, the exhibition relied on the collaboration of a group of consultants from different Brazilian states.


About CCBB Brasilia 

The CCBB Brasília: The Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil Brasília was inaugurated on October 12, 2000, and is based in the Tancredo Neves Building, an architectural work by Oscar Niemeyer, and aims to bring together, in one place, all forms of art and creativity possible. With a landscape design designed by Alda Rabello Cunha, CCBB Brasília has large living spaces, bistro, art galleries, cinema room, theater, central square and gardens, where exhibitions, musical shows, shows, film screenings and performances.

In addition, it offers the CCBB Brasília Educational Program, a continuous art-education program sponsored by Banco do Brasil that develops educational and cultural actions to bring visitors closer to the programming on display at the Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil (CCBB), welcoming the spontaneous public and , especially, thousands of students from public and private schools, universities and institutions, throughout the year, through scheduled mediated visits, in addition to offering art and educational activities on weekends.

At the end of 2022, CCBB Brasília became the third Banco do Brasil building to receive ISO 14001 certification, and in 2023, we obtained the annual certification renewal, in recognition of the commitment to environmental management and sustainability. The achievement complied with Action 24 of Agenda 30 BB, whose objective is to reinforce the management of BB’s environmental and eco-efficiency programs, initiatives and practices and demonstrates the alignment of CCBB Brasília with BB’s corporate strategy, as a space for cultural dissemination that values diversity, accessibility, inclusion and sustainability, because transforming lives is part of our culture.


Venue: Exhibition: “Fullgás – Artes Visuais e Anos 1980 no Brasil” (Fullgas – Visual Arts and the 1980s in Brazil) at CCBB
Where: Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil (CCBB), Setor de Clubes Sul – SCES, Trecho 2, lote 22, Asa Sul (in front of Clube de Golfe). Click here to see location on maps.

When: until April 27th. Tuesday to Sunday from 9 am to 9 pm. 

Price: free. Click here to purchase tickets. 

Rating: free. 

Information: 3108-7600






Exposição: “Fullgás – Artes Visuais e Anos 1980 no Brasil” no CCBB

Até 27 de abril, o CCBB Brasília será palco da exposição “Fullgás – Artes Visuais e Anos 1980 no Brasil”. A mostra inédita apresentará cerca de 300 obras de mais de 200 artistas de todas as regiões do país, mostrando um amplo panorama das artes brasileiras na década de 1980. Completam a mostra elementos da cultura visual da época, como revistas, panfletos, capas de discos e objetos icônicos, ampliando a reflexão sobre o período.

Com Raphael Fonseca como curador-chefe e Amanda Tavares e Tálisson Melo como curadores-adjuntos, a mostra aborda o período de maneira ampla, reconhecendo que seus questionamentos e impulsos começaram e terminaram além do marco temporal de dez anos que tradicionalmente define uma década. Assim, a exposição cobre o intervalo de 1978 a 1993, tendo como marcos o fim do Ato Institucional nº 5 e o ano seguinte ao impeachment do ex-presidente Fernando Collor de Mello.

Nesse contexto, a exposição “Fullgás – Artes Visuais e os Anos 1980 no Brasil” reunirá grandes nomes como Adriana Varejão, Beatriz Milhazes, Daniel Senise, Leonilson, Luiz Zerbini e Leda Catunda, entre outros, além de artistas importantes de diversas regiões do país, como Jorge dos Anjos (MG), Kassia Borges (GO), Sérgio Lucena (PB), Vitória Basaia (MT) e Raul Cruz (PR). Para desenvolver essa pesquisa abrangente, a exposição contou, além dos curadores, com a colaboração de um grupo de consultores de diferentes estados brasileiros.


Evento: Exposição: “Fullgás – Artes Visuais e Anos 1980 no Brasil” no CCBB

Onde: Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil (CCBB), Setor de Clubes Sul – SCES, Trecho 2, lote 22, Asa Sul (em frente ao Clube de Golfe). Clique aqui para ver localização no google maps.

Quando: até 27 de abril. Terça-feira a domingo das 9h às 21h. 

Preço: entrada gratuita mediante retirada de ingressos. Clique aqui para adquirir ingressos. 

Classificação: livre. 

Mais Informações: 3108-7600