Ambassador of Turkey, Mr. Murat Yavuz Ates, his wife, Ms. Hiroko Ates, Defense Attaché, Colonel Orhan Gözaydin, and his wife, Ms. Esma Gözaydin.

On August 30th, the embassy of Turkey celebrated National Armed Forces Day. Dozens of people were present at the celebration which took place at the official residence of the Embassy of Turkey. Among the guests there were foreign ambassadors, Brazilian Government authorities, Defense Attachés of several countries, businessmen, journalists, politicians and members of Brasilia’s society.

After the arrival of the guests, the national anthems of Brazil and Turkey were performed and the Ambassador of Turkey, Mr. Murat Yavuz Ates, and the Defense Attaché, Colonel Orhan Gözaydin, gave speeches highlighting the importance of such a celebration. Guests also watched a video with a speech by the President of Turkey, Mr. Tayyip Erdoğan, as well as a video about the Turkish armed forces.

The speeches were greatly applauded and after them the Ambassador invited all to enjoy a dinner with traditional Turkish cuisine.

The dinner was marked by much fellowship between all and guests congratulated the Ambassador of Turkey, Mr. Murat Yavuz Ates, and the Defense Attaché, Colonel Orhan Gözaydin, for the success of the event.



THE GUIDE congratulates the Embassy of Turkey for its National Armed Forces Day!

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