Brigadier General Tariq Naeem Athar and his wife, Mrs. Ghazala Tariq.
The Defence Wing of the Embassy of Pakistan in Brazil successfully held the Defence and Martyrs’ Day event at Engineers club, in the South Club Sector of Brasilia (Brazil).

Defense Attaché of Pakistan, General Tariq Naeem Athar, his wife, Mrs. Ghazala Tariq and the sons Numair Tariq (left) and Rehan Tariq.
The event was attended by Diplomats, Def/Mil/Svcs Attaches, Journalists, Media Persons, Academia, Pakistani Diaspora and Brazilian Offrs from Services Headquarters and Ministry of Defense. Guests were welcomed by the Defense Attaché, Brigadier General Tariq Naeem Athar, by Minister Irfan Ullah Khan and their wives.

Minister Irfan Ullah Khan, his wife Mrs. Shah Bano, his daughter Miss Himala Khan and his son, Abdullah Khan.

Minister of the Embassy of Pakistan, Mr. Irfan Ullah Khan (right) and President of THE GUIDE Business Consultancy, Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira.
After the guests arrived, the Brazilian and Pakistani national anthems were played. Then, everyone watched a video about Pakistan.
The Defense Attaché of the Pakistani Embassy, Brigadier General Tariq Naeem Athar, gave a speech emphasizing the importance of the Pakistani armed forces in defending the freedom and progress of his country. He was warmly applauded by everyone. A video about the Pakistani armed forces was presented and showed the capacity, courage and strength of the military of that country. It also received warm applause from the guests.
Then, everyone was invited to enjoy a dinner with typical food and desserts from that beautiful Asian country. In an atmosphere of great joy, everyone got together and congratulated Brigadier General Tariq Naeem Athar and Minister Irfan Ullah Khan on the success of the beautiful event.

Minister Irfan Ullah Khan and Business Assistant of MUNDIAL RESIDENCE – International and National Removal and Relocation Company, Miss Julia Barbosa. Click here to know MUNDIAL.

Defense Attaché of Pakistan, Brigadier General Tariq Naeem Athar and President of THE GUIDE Business Consultancy, Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira.
THE GUIDE congratulates the Embassy of Pakistan on the Defense and Martyrs’ Day!
THE GUIDE informs that for coverage of diplomatic events, the invitations should be sent to:
Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira
President Director
THE GUIDE Business Consultancy
SGAN, Quadra 601, Lote H, sala 66, Ed. Ion, Asa Norte, Brasília DF, CEP 70830-018
If your prefer, send the invitations to the e-mails: or
THE GUIDE informs:
With more than 40 years’ experience, MUNDIAL RESIDENCE is a partner of THE GUIDE and offers a complete and personalized national and international removal and relocation service to 5 continents.
The international transport sector of MUNDIAL RESIDENCE is prepared to serve you in English and provide consultancy on Brazilian or any other country’s legislation and documentation, ensuring a successful moving service from first contact to after-sales, always focusing on customer satisfaction.