The Indian Embassy welcomed guests on the evening of May 15 for a celebration of the centenary of the arrival of the famous poet Gurudev Tagore in Latin America. Foreign ambassadors, diplomats, businesspeople, journalists, intellectuals, and members of the Indian community in Brasília attended the important cultural event.

Ambassador of India, Mr. Suresh Reddy (right), Ambassadress Sneha Reddy and President Director of THE GUIDE Business Consultancy, Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira.
After the arrival of the guests, the event began and the Indian ambassador to Brazil, Mr. Suresh Reddy, welcomed everyone and highlighted the importance of Gurudev Tagore’s work and the time he lived in Latin America.
The poet Gurudev Tagore also spent part of his life in Bangladesh, having his work greatly appreciated in that country. For that reason the Bangladeshi ambassador to Brazil, Mrs. Sadia Faizunnesa, participated in the celebration presenting one of her talents still unknown to Brazilians: She beautifully sang three songs with lyrics based on the work of Gurudev Tagore. She was greatly applauded by everyone.

Ambassador of Bangladesh, Mrs. Sadia Faizunnesa, explained about the presence of Gurudev Tagore in her country.
Afterwards, the guests were moved by the brilliant presentation by Argentine professor Gustavo Canzobre, member of the Colegio de Profesores da Fundación Hasitnapura in Buenos Aires, who recited several poems by Gurodev Tagore, presenting the depth and beauty of the work of him who is one of the great names in Indian literary work.
Professor Gustavo Canzobre was highly congratulated by everyone for his impressive cultural presentation.
After the beautiful cultural events, ambassador Suresh Reddy and his wife, ambassadress Sneha Reddy, honored the participants with gifts of appreciation.
The ambassador then invited everyone to a dinner with typical Indian food, much appreciated by everyone.
THE GUIDE congratulates the Embassy of India for the beautiful tribute to the famous poet Gurodev Tagore!
THE GUIDE informs that for coverage of diplomatic events, the invitations should be sent to:
Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira
President Director
THE GUIDE Business Consultancy
SGAN, Quadra 601, Lote H, sala 66, Ed. Ion, Asa Norte, Brasília DF, CEP 70830-018
If your prefer, send the invitations to the e-mails: or
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