Ambassador of indonesia, Mr. Edi Yusup, Defense attaché, Colonel Humaidi Syarif Romas and their wives, Mrs. Senny Syahfinar and Mrs.Wenny Hermeiningsih Rachmaningrum.

A memorable celebration! This is how the celebration of the 77th Anniversary of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia was considered, held on October 7th at the “Clube Naval de Brasília”.

When guests arrived, they received gifts from friendly receptionists. They were then welcomed by the Indonesian ambassador, Mr. Edi Yusup and the Defense Attaché, Colonel Humaidi Syarif Romas in addition to their respective wives.

Among the guests were military attachés from several countries, as well as Brazilian government authorities, journalists and businessmen.

The social lounges of the Clube Naval were beautifully decorated and banners and a big screen presented images and videos about that beautiful Asian country. The guests also socialized on the club’s large balcony, overlooking the beautiful Paranoá lake. A musical ensemble brightened the atmosphere with Brazilian and international music.

After everyone arrived, the event began with the presentation of traditional Indonesian dances, which were greatly applauded by all. Another attraction was the presentation of a martial arts presentation from Indonesia.

After the dance performance, the master of ceremonies announced the anthems of Brazil and Indonesia. Ambassador Edi Yusup then gave a welcoming speech to all, also saluting the Embassy’s Defense Attaché, Colonel Humaidi Syarif Romas, who also gave a speech presenting the importance of his country’s armed forces. A video was shown on Indonesia’s Defense potential, including air, land and sea forces, as well as modern defense technologies.

A military band performed both Brazilian and Indonesian anthems.

Indonesian dance performances were presented, one of them with the participation of the Defense Attaché’s wife, Mrs.Wenny Hermeiningsih Rachmaningrum, much applauded by all. After the artistic presentation, the guests were invited to enjoy a dinner with typical foods from Brazil and Indonesia.

Guests enjoyed traditional Indonesian cuisine.

The big surprise of the night was the musical performance by the Defense Attaché, Colonel Humaidi Syarif Romas, who sang international and Brazilian songs with great talent. From then on, the guests danced and had fun with great joy and relaxation in a great fraternization.

The lively party will undoubtedly be unforgettable and the Indonesian Defense Attaché, Colonel Humaidi Syarif Romas, gave a legitimate demonstration of what SOFT POWER is: His joy and sympathy increased in everyone’s hearts a special affection for Indonesia.

Defense attaché, Colonel Humaidi Syarif Romas, and his wife, Mrs.Wenny Hermeiningsih Rachmaningrum

Colonel Humaidi Syarif Romas and President of THE GUIDE Business Consultancy, Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira

The Ambassador on Indonesia, Mr. Edi Yusup,, was also highly congratulated on the success of the celebration!

THE GUIDE congratulates the Embassy of Indonesia on the 77th Anniversary of their country’s Armed Forces!

THE GUIDE informs that for free coverage of diplomatic events, the invitations should be sent to:

Mr. Pedro Paulo Moreira
President Director
THE GUIDE Business Consultancy
SGAN, Quadra 601, Lote H, sala 66, Ed. Ion, Asa Norte, Brasília DF, CEP 70830-018

If your prefer, send the invitations to the e-mails: or


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